Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday is Darwin Day

Happy Darwin Day to all you Evolutionists. To the Creationists, I say to you 'Ba Humbug!'

Happy Darwin Day - here's a list of every article on Darwin written for the occasion [science] (scientificblogging.com)

February 12 is Darwin Day - A day to promote the man and science in general [science] (en.wikipedia.org)

Obama money bomb TODAY: Donate your $5.01 [politics] (donate.barackobama.com)

Clinton refuses to release tax returns information - says she will only do so if she secures nomination [politics] (news.yahoo.com)

Obama again earns respect while Clinton lets everyone down. Retroactive immunity is passing in the senate, Clinton isn't even there to vote. [politics] (tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com)

Bush's fantasy of solving the Israel/Palestine problem evaporates in a storm of violence. Did anyone really believe he could solve this in the first place? [politics] (theseminal.com)

If Americans Knew What We Did to Iran, Would We Still Talk About Using Force? [politics] (huffingtonpost.com)

“We the People” are the only ones who can take our government back from the tyrants in power. We must work single-mindedly to restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights to the halls of government. [politics] (populistamerica.com)

The point of Obama's candidacy is that the damaged state of American democracy is not the fault of George W. Bush and his minions - the point is that this mess is our fault. [politics] (washingtonpost.com)

Neo-Cons Admit Ron Paul Has "Changed GOP Forever" [politics] (propagandamatrix.com)

You Know Who Else Liked To Waterboard Human Beings? (crimelibrary.com)

Discovery Channel Accused of Political Censorship for Dropping Oscar-Nominated Doc on U.S. Torture [politics] (democracynow.org)

U.S. bombing in Iraq massacring civilians, creating terrorists [worldnews] (impeachforpeace.org)

Russia, China challenge US with proposal to ban space weapons [worldnews] (rawstory.com)

Europeans see what America cannot [politics] (torontosun.com)

US Customs Will Search Your Laptop - LIKE IT OR NOT! Says "This is the kind of scrutiny the American public expects." [politics] (cnn.com)

Making Pot Legal: We Can Do It -- Here's How [politics] (alternet.org)

US defense official, an ex-Boeing engineer and two others were charged Monday with spying for China [politics] (news.yahoo.com)

Tesla guitar: 250,000 Volts of Axe Slinging Distortion [Video] (engadget.com)

Cheney: "I cut all ties to Haliburton years ago." Congressional Research Service: "Cheney made $8,000,000 from Haliburton while in office." (commondreams.org)

How Americans Spend their Money (charts) (nytimes.com)

Next Up for the Democrats: Civil War (nytimes.com)

France Halts Genetically Modified Corn As Full Ban is Expected from EU. (newsday.com)

Secrets in Your Food (abcnews.go.com)

It Costs $134 Million To Make $80 Million In Pennies (consumerist.com)

Pests are now evoving resistance to Genetically Modified crops. Thanks Monsanto! (thedailygreen.com)

Prostitution: Story of the Oldest Profession on Earth [nsfw] (thethinkingblog.com)

Top 50 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Maps [geek] (virtualhosting.com)

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