Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday is Slime

Hello and welcome- Slime is real and its coming to an ocean near you. Also, Obama is now in the delegate lead thanks to Maine!!

We have changed the chemistry of the seas, and now something has emerged [science] (

"They said when--not if--martial law is declared...if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn’t be prosecuted.” [worldnews] (

Obama is offically beating Hillary; Maine put him over the top in delegates! [politics] (

Stop Blair!--Petition against the nomination of Tony Blair as "President of the European Union" [politics] (

Breaking: Hillary's campaign manager quits [politics] (

Clinton's new campaign manager comes with financing scandals [politics] (

Detailed list of What Civil Liberties we have Lost since 9/11 [politics] (

CFR Book: Building A North American Community. -- "There appears to be no evidence that the American people themselves are even aware of the catastrophic events soon to overtake them." [politics] (

What all Americans need to know. [politics] (

Nobel winner Lessing thinks Obama will be assassinated if he wins [politics] (

Oregon City Impeaches Bush/Cheney [politics] (

Cheney asserts independent power from Bush. [politics] (

The American people have a right to debt-free currency. Debt-based currency, issued and valued by the Federal Reserve violates both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution. [politics] (

"The unclassified report identified problems with nearly every organization that had a role in planning the war," [politics] (

Bush: "'ll be dead before the true history of the Bush administration is written.” [politics] (

H.R. 4137 Passes House: RIAA One Step Closer to Having the U.S. College System by the Balls [politics] (

It's Time To Kill Electoral College [] (

When the world's great scientific thinkers change their minds [science] (

The Biggest Thing Man Has Ever Done? [science] (

U.S. Army sniper accused of killing an unarmed Iraqi civilian and planting evidence on his body was found guilty on all charges Sunday [politics] (

One group is very happy with our new budget; AIPAC noted that the proposal includes $2.55 billion in foreign aid to Israel, an increase of $170 million [politics] (

Six million Britons are living in homes where no one has a job and "benefits are a way of life" [politics] (

Athletes are forced to sign contracts banning criticism of Chinese regime during The Olympics [] (

Biofuels: Worse for Earth Than Oil? [science] (

Genetic test in three years to detect prostate cancer [science] (

The Illusion of Reality - BBC documentary - [VIDEO] [science] (

Dirac equation - the formula for anti-matter [science] (

The late formation of rocky planets might explain a vexing cosmological coincidence about why intelligent life has evolved precisely at a relatively exciting point of the universe's history [science] (

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is gaining speed so quickly that we could soon detect radio signals from other sentient species [science] (

Space Smells [] (

A sea-going robotic glider that harvests heat energy from the oceans is tested by US scientists. [science] (

A huge solar-powered office that produces more energy than it uses [science] (

Converting land for biofuel crops results in major carbon emissions and actually worsens the problem of global warming instead of mitigating it [science] (

Million-Degree Plasma May Flow throughout the Galaxy [science] (

Researchers find that the brain processes memories six to seven times faster than real time. [science] (

Suicide is an intimate, often impulsive decision that has defied scientific understanding. [science] (

Global Warming: Nine Things that Will Put us Over the Edge [science] (

Building a Base on the Moon: Part 2 - Habitat Concepts [science] (

Military-grade gel-based liquid bandages: new frontline in wound treatment [science] (

We're Rich, You're Not. End of Story. [] (

Depleted uranium is a disgusting weapon that should be banned immediately. [] (

Science of the orgasm [] (

New way of storing gas - the nanotech way [science] (

Troops struggle with 10-foot Afghan marijuana plants [] (

Botox (short for Botulism Toxin) found to be toxic, cause botulism [] (

People here don't have to work. Every week, sometimes every day, 35kg sacks of cocaine drift in from the sea! [] (

Everything* You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Increased Death and Disease Near The Great Lakes (* But The CDC Was Afraid You’d Ask) (

How the Potato Can Relieve World Hunger [happy] (

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