Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So here we are at Tuesday, still kickin'

Hello and welcome to another day. It is wonderful to still wake up and feel some sort of freedom. We all know what is lurking in the near future, as of last week any talk about impeachment and Bush can put you under arrest and take your home. Even reading an article about the subject can 'flag' you and have the FBI question you. Honestly, it's quite possible just by posting this news articles I am now 'breaking the law'. It's a scary thing to think about, free speech is now illegal. Although these are threatening issues, the main point of every ones life is to be a martyr. To live for something you believe in is to be human. If you aren't confident in your ideas and beliefs, you are just a selfish human. Our culture has us so focused on the 'self' rather then our civilization as a whole. We are weak when we stand alone, but when we congregate in mass amounts we are powerful. Everyone should have something they live for, and if they can live for it they will die for it as well. It gives meaning to the life you are blessed with, rather then wasting it selfishly. Our past generations have all worked towards what we take for granted today. If they worked so hard, we should be working even harder. We abuse all the privileges we have that our past generations didn't have the luxury of taking advantage of. It;s only fair to martyr ourselves like our grandparents' grandparents have done. We have been consumed with the idea that this is our only life, and afterwards we just go to this health spa called 'heaven'. Our life is a continuation of our species. To evolve is the only goal, and to die is to be born again. Animals and insects aren't afraid of death, because they know that they're continuing life for our planet as a whole, and as soon as they pass, they are reborn to add to the wonder that we call life, or evolution. They learn from their past life subconsciously- and continue on the journey that they were destined for. So to be a martyr is a brave fearless evolving conscious energy. It's really quite compelling really. I would die for a cause, it would make living worth while. We are so focused on the tangible, when all we know is filtered through our 5 sensory organs. There is so much more that we aren't even aware of...WAKE UP!

"Two FBI agents. They say you're not in trouble, they just want to talk."

Weapons Of Mass Stupidity Fox News hits a new lowest common denominator <- this is the article the bookstore employee was reading in a coffee shop that prompted an FBI 'investigation'

Five Ways Bush's Era of Repression Has Stolen Your Liberties Since 9/11

33 years ago today, Nixon was forced to hand over the Watergate tapes, despite his calls for "Executive Privilege"

The Greenbox captures car exhaust gasses. Exchange for an empty one when you fill up. Captured exhaust gases used to grow algae to make biofuel. - Horay! what a wondrous occasion such as this, that some intellectuals finally produce something of actual worth! Capturing all of the combustion emissions to be gathered and harvested. 2-Birds with 1 stone! Now hopefully all the cash these 3 are going to make won't go to their heads!

Little-known fact: One of the "benchmarks" for Iraq hands over control of two-thirds of Iraq's oil fields to multinational corporations.

Brooks Admits He Picked Facts Out Of The Air To Defend Bush's Iraq Policy

The Weekly Standard's "9/11 Generation"

Operation Falcon turns the US into a Police State

Leahy Demands Straight Answers From Gonzales On Tuesday

I was gagged by the Patriot Act while the attorney general was free to tell falsehoods about it

Why I hate SUV's and it's not just about the gas they waste.

President Bush suggests uninsured children go to hospital emergency rooms for their care

Things I wish I’d known when I was younger

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