Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday NASA let me down

NASA, why couldn't the news be about aliens?!!?!!?!

NASA Anouncement: Scientists using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have discovered the Milky Way's most recent supernova (not aliens, sorry) [science] (

On May 13, the price of a barrel of oil briefly hit a record of $126.98. The reason was ostensibly that Iran was cutting oil production. But there is no gas shortage. So why are prices still going up? [business] (

Obama Gains, McCain Tumbles in U.S. Race [politics] (

In a major blow to national Republicans, a Mississippi congressional seat that once voted for President Bush by a twenty-five point margin elected a Democrat on Tuesday. [politics] (

Are we to believe that if McCain were elected, the 112 lobbyists McCain employs would return to their lucrative lobbying careers and never ever make use of their relationship with President McCain? [politics] (

Bush revealed a personal way in which he has tried to acknowledge the sacrifice of soldiers and their families: He has given up golf. [politics] (

US betrays an ally who sacrificed everything to help us (

Bush Officials Charged With War Crimes [politics] (

Bush Sets New Record in Refusing to Protect Endangered Species [politics] (

WV will be Clinton's 3rd 20%+ margin win. Meanwhile Obama has won 22 contests by 20% or more. [politics] (

Craigslist Sues eBay: Craiglist alleges eBay stole its corporate trade secrets and planned to pressure Craigslist into a full-scale acquisition deal by eBay [technology] (

'The Corporation': The Best Documentary Out There On The Corporation As A Legal Construction [business] (

Hearing Voices? Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in people's heads and use of laser beams for new methods of torture - all from hundreds of meters away. [technology] (

Free camera crew: band makes video performing in front of 80 of London's 13 million CCTV cameras, then requesting the footage via the Data Protection Act. [videos] (

House Approves New Property Seizure Law this legislation allows your computer to be seized if it has one unauthorized mp3 file [WTF] (

This product will change the way the world lives! [technology] (

Ironies Abound: FBI raids office of senior official in charge of protecting federal whistleblowers [politics] (

40 Alternatives to Microsoft Word [technology] (

TED Talk: 6 ways mushrooms can change our planet [science] (

Watch Simultaneous September 11, 2001 Coverage on ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, and Fox live, original and un-edited. (Even the commercials are intact!) (

The Fibonacci sequence set to music and images from Hubble telescope [video] [geek] (

"MUTO" - the most amazing animation you've seen in a long time [videos] (

The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches Of All Time. [videos] (

Surreal paintings of Jacek Yerka [Pics] [pics] (

From Russia With Hate [Video] [politics] (

Colbert imitates O'Reilly's meltdown video [politics] (

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