Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday's melancholy?

Hello, especially to you Indiana and North Carolina. We are counting on you to knock Hill out.

Press here if you've read so much stuff online that you're drifting away from a common worldview with friends and family (self.reddit.com)

Waterboarding uncle Sam. [Pic] (bartcop.com)

Indiana "a whopping 1,134,427 voter registrations have been cancelled" [politics] (democraticunderground.com)

Momentum: Obama has picked up more than six times the number of supers Clinton has since super tuesday (88 to 13) [politics] (firstread.msnbc.msn.com)

US Tops the List for Human Rights Violations [worldnews] (yourthreecents.com)

Cheney:"when the history is written, it'll be said that we lived in a safer country, and a more hopeful world, because George Bush was President of these United States" (businesswire.com)

Look who voted against a bill prohibiting the confiscation of firearms during emergency (senate.gov)

Clinton In 2005: 'I Agree With McCain' On Long-Term Iraq Presence [politics] (huffingtonpost.com)

By the late 1920s, America's elite had found a way to defuse the dual threat of stagnating economic growth and a radicalized working class in what one consultant called "the gospel of consumption" [business] (orionmagazine.org)

Think Big Oil doesn't own the US Government? [politics] (nytimes.com)

Democrats Prepare Sell-Out on Telecom Immunity: House Leaders to Give White House a Blank Check to Spy on Americans [politics] (inteldaily.com)

South Africa lifts 13-year ban on elephant killing. Poachers Encouraged. [technology] (ap.google.com)

230 Economists, Including 4 Nobel Prize Winners, Sign a Statement Blasting Clinton and McCain Gas Tax Plan [obama] (blog.washingtonpost.com)

For decades the federal government has been developing a highly classified plan that would override the Constitution in the event of a terrorist attack [politics] (informationclearinghouse.info)

Investment Banking Will Cause The Great Depression of the 2010s [business] (kitco.com)

OptiSolar Plans on Erecting Largest Solar Farm in the World [environment] (goodcleantech.com)

The human genome is mapped - time to figure out the "Diseasome" [cool interactive graphic] [science] (nytimes.com)

More than 80 percent of the world’s population depends on rice as a staple food [environment] (sciencedaily.com)

Americans are giving their pay raises to the health care system ... it's only insurance until you actually need it, then .. poof! [politics] (nytimes.com)

Pay Monsanto or Starve - prepare to get very angry [environment] (celsias.com)

BROOD XIII: Facts about the billions of periodical cicadas now emerging from underground [science] (news.nationalgeographic.com)

Billions of pounds spent on Britain’s 4.2 million closed-circuit television cameras has not cut crime, says police chief. (timesonline.co.uk)

Before Moving to Europe (transitionsabroad.com)

The superhydrophobic properties of rose petals [science] (arstechnica.com)

The Price of Intelligence and why more animals aren't smarter [science] (nytimes.com)

Let your light shine on me…Spiders "talk" to potential mates using a type of light humans can’t see. [science] (news.bbc.co.uk)

World Of Waste: America's Mass Consumption In Images [pics] (huffingtonpost.com)

Bacteria Eating Uranium [img] [pics] (eyeofscience.com)

LSD and Hofmann - A Psychedelic 'Problem Child' Comes Full Circle [science] (nytimes.com)

Crazy ways people are spending their stimulus checks [business] (howispentmystimulus.com)

104+ hypermiling tips for people looking to save gas and money [environment] (ecomodder.com)

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