Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday's Gone

..again. I know, I already posted 'Tuesday's Gone' but unfortunately, it has come and left us yet once again without a glimmer of home. What a lame, sad, peachy Tuesday it is.

Are Americans so complacent, so dumbed down, so “doped on religion, sex, and TV,” as John Lennon put it, that they cannot tell when tyranny has arrived at their doorstep? [politics] (opednews.com)

McCain: Obama 'Absolutely' Qualified to Be President [politics] (blog.washingtonpost.com)

Why Democrats Are Now Seeing the Ugly Truth About Bill Clinton [politics] (nymag.com)

Obama Didn't Want My Money [politics] (dailykos.com)

How we are manipulated [pics] [business] (chemistryland.com)

Meet the World's Super Class: Why They Call the Shots [business] (newsweek.com)

Energy is Wasted, Wasted, Wasted... (graphs of energy efficiency in transportation, industry, residential homes, electricity production) [technology] (treehugger.com)

Great Lakes Pollution May be Worse than We Thought - Here’s the report that top officials of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention thought was too hot for the public to handle [science] (publicintegrity.org)

Japan is Dying (captaincassowary.blogspot.com)

Protesters unfurl a huge banner with Olympic logo redesigned as hand-cuffs on the Eiffel tower [pics] (newsimg.bbc.co.uk)

Big Brother's Plan to Put RFID in Americans - Tracked in Realtime from Cradle to Grave [technology] (infowars.com)

The Bizarre History of 10 Common Sayings [entertainment] (cracked.com)

WARNING: 5 Extremely Addictive Interactive Websites [geek] (webupon.com)

10 impossibilities conquered by science [science] (technology.newscientist.com)

Jobseeker’s Toolkit: 50 Job Interview Techniques, Tips & Tricks [business] (creditcardcompare.com.au)

Top 10 Most Dangerous Places on Earth [offbeat] (listverse.com)

Anniversary of the day beer was legalised again! [entertainment] (latimes.com)

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