Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday is regular

Another tuesday coming right up...

McCain keeps all his assets in Cindy's name. [politics] (huffingtonpost.com)

Jimmy Carter Knocks Clinton's Chance of Nomination [politics] (telegraph.co.uk)

I think I'm gonna be sick- "House Democratic leaders are putting together the largest Iraq war spending bill yet" [politics] (commondreams.org)

WSJ explains why Hillary leads among non-elected superdelegates while Barack leads among those that are elected. [politics] (online.wsj.com)

Bush Ignores His Own Administration’s Guidelines, Refers To Terrorists As ‘Jihadists’ [politics] (thinkprogress.org)

A must read if you love democracy; How the Bush Admin pushed military analysts into media rooms to build the case for war and later defend torture. Propaganda [politics] (nytimes.com)

Finally, proof that the Saudis are lying about their oil reserves [business] (contrarianprofits.com)

The Federal Reserve's rescue of Bear Stearns Cos. will come to be seen as its "worst policy mistake in a generation," says a former top Fed staffer. [business] (online.wsj.com)

Shell and BP, between them, just reported $14.3 billion (!) profit. That's PROFIT, not turnover. And no, not in a year - in three months. [business] (news.bbc.co.uk)

Top 10 declassified secrets [politics] (listverse.com)

When it serves us, we the USA, harbor terrorists. [worldnews] (lexisnexis.com)

The Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor is a USB thumb drive used by police to quickly bypass Windows security measures when looking for computer evidence [gadgets] (seattletimes.nwsource.com)

In 1980, Congress passed the Energy Security Act, which led to the creation of something called the Synthetic Fuels Corp. (SFC). Oil went from more than $39 a barrel to less than $8 a barrel. [science] (cnn.com)

The biggest villain here is not Rumsfeld or the Pentagon. It’s the TV networks. In the land of the First Amendment, it was their choice to shut down debate and journalism. [politics] (commondreams.org)

The secret to Absinthe's mind-altering properties discovered! Not as cool as hoped [science] (livescience.com)

The Matrix is upon us. Check out the sentinels... er, I mean 'AirJelly' [science] (engadget.com)

Russia Inches Towards Mission to Mars [science] (russiatoday.ru)

Most kids are natural born scientists until we adults beat the living curiosity out of them. (newscientist.com)

Increasingly, psychologists are looking behavior and noting, high self-esteem is not the same thing as healthy self-esteem. [science] (sciencedaily.com)

Solar without the Panels [technology] (fromshittosweetie.blogspot.com)

Emotions can be unconsciously and subliminally evoked, study shows [cogsci] (eurekalert.org)

Ancient Antarctic sediment reveals climate change history [environment] (eurekalert.org)

"Get over it" Scalia ruled that the military could give LSD to soldiers without telling them, and the soldiers could NOT sue the government, because it was all part of military "discipline" [politics] (query.nytimes.com)

18 year old inventor creates the world's first unicycle motorbike (w/ pics) [science] (dailymail.co.uk)

21 Easy Ways to Shoot Better Photographs (10e20.com)

Ron Paul Pushes Medical Marijunana, Hemp Reform [politics] (planetsave.com)

The first of the flowers for Helen Thomas (pictures!) (self.reddit.com)

The Real Face of Lions [21 PICS] [pics] (edge.org)

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