Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday is Fodder

All fodder and no real nutritional value. Eat up!

Obama: Bitterness? Anger? Yes. And for good reason [politics] (

It Takes Real Chutzpah for a Guy Who Owns Eight Houses (McCain) to Call Barack Obama an "Elitist" [politics] (

The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see. [worldnews] (

The Government Is Trying to Wrap Its Mind Around Yours the federal government invests millions of dollars in emerging technology aimed at detecting and decoding brain activity. [science] (

Sec Treas Paulson High on Drugs: Claims $600 Checks from the Stimulus Package Will Add 500,000 to 600,000 Jobs to the Economy. [business] (

"The technology that will save humanity": sunlight concentrated by mirrors (solar thermal electric) [science] (

Cheap "Popcorn Ball" Solar Cells Set Efficiency Record [science] (

Why is hydrogen seen as a more viable energy source than wind or solar? [science] (

Credit Crunch? The Entire U.S. Banking System is now Based on Borrowed Reserves [business] (

Lost Generation -- REDDIT seriously watch this you will like it. (

Most Americans forget the War of 1812. Maybe its because Canada and Britian manged to burn down the Whitehouse! (

Sign # 3,245 that America has problems. Most children can identify over 1,000 Corporate Logos but less than 10 native plants and animals. [video] [science] (

Food prices have risen sharply in recent months, driven by increased demand, poor weather in some countries that has ruined crops and an increase in the use of land to grow crops for transport fuels. [worldnews] (

The contrasting ways Britain and Canada treat their fallen war heroes [w/pics] [worldnews] (

The US is ruled by Homeland Security thugs, Britain is turning into Stasi-land. We lost the War on Terror; can we all go home now, please? [worldnews] (

Dalai Lama draws 65,000 crowd in Seattle [worldnews] (

Getting Drunk on Chocolate in 1100 B.C. [science] (

Soros describes the $45 trillion market in credit swaps (i.e. derivatives) as a "Sword of Damocles" [business] (

Even as the West fears Chinese manufacturing, China fears Western brands and marketing. [business] (

Something remarkable just happened in Kenya (

This should be front page news: Farm bill includes subsidies for the rich [politics] (

This animal can survive temperatures close to absolute zero, temperatures as high as 303°F, 1,000 times more radiation than any animal, nearly a decade without water, and can also live in space. [science] (

Are wind farm turbines making people sick? Some say yes [environment] (

An Easy Guide To Understanding Planet X and 2012 [science] (

"Why I Fled Scientology" (

1964 Sears Christmas Catalog included a nice Chemistry Set -- Today it would be the Little'Terrorist Starter Kit - & the decline of American Science Education [science] (

Wireless Technology Will Make Us All Nomads [technology] (

Digital Information 250 Years From Now [technology] (

Now fashion mags make models 'fatter' [offbeat] (

Satellite IDs ship that cut undersea cables [technology] (

What if what we consider to be “real time” - how fast we move, talk, think - happens to be a glacial pace compared to other advanced lifeforms? [cogsci] (

Is no one else concerned that it's apparently now routine that police, finding an otherwise peaceable motorist in possession of a large sum of cash, simply take it? (

Stop Exporting Asbestos! A Plea to Canadians to stop exporting asbestos to countries where it is handled by poor workers under dangerous conditions and is creating a public health tragedy. [worldnews] (

Strong Euro Drives Cocaine Traffic from the U.S. to Europe. [business] (

10 America’s Most Spectacular Day Hikes [offbeat] (

Fun Geography Game [entertainment] (

Hypocrite [Pic] [pics] (

The 30 Most Satisfying Simple Pleasures Life Has to Offer [happy] (

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