Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday is Superbowl?

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! That's it. Thats all I have for you today, enjoy the links!

America Responds to Vermont's Arrest Warrants for Bush/Cheney [politics] (

Photos of what’s happpening at the Marine Corps Recruiting Center in Berkeley [politics] (

Pentagon: The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system" [politics] (

Undersea Internet Cables [pic] (

Thrills in Laying Deep-Sea Cable Across the Atlantic 84 Years Back [science](

Three internet cables as thick as your leg break in 2 days, Iran registers 100% packet loss. How isn't this news? [politics] (

70% of Plants ID'd to Fight Cancer Found Only in Rainforests - Yes Less Than One Percent of Tropical Species Have Been Analyzed So Far (Time is Running Out) [science] (

US Politics Have No Left Wing (

Why is Big Oil still receiving tax breaks? As the industry sets historical profits, there should be no reason whatsoever to give them a penny [politics] (

How Hitler won over the Germans. (

We may be witnessing a transformation of the Earth as profound as the end of the age of the dinosaurs, and entering a geological period as distinctive as the Jurassic [science] (

Cunnilingus is increasing HPV rates in men, leading to increasing rates of oral cancer [science] (

Tonight: Clinton, Huckabee, Obama and Paul in "Closing Arguments: A Presidential Super Dialogue" [politics] (

Today Poland agreed to house a US Missile base. Russia does not want it there. This is the Polish Missile Crisis [politics] (

Ireland introduces 33 cent plastic bag tax. 94% drop within weeks. (

"I don't want to just end the war, I want to end the mind-set that got us into war in the first place." - Barack Obama [politics] (

Like Father, Like Son: W is a criminal, just like his dad [politics] (

Crime of the Century: Time for Congress to Stand Up [politics] (

Vermont Legislature Gives Approval to Hemp Farming [politics] (

Protect America from the Protect America Act [politics] (

Navy Rail Gun Test DESTROYS Everything It Touches at 5,640 mph (

Can't Pay Your Mortgage? Trash Your House and Leave. It Seems To Be The Solution Many Are Choosing. (

Will McCain, who finished 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy and who lost five jets, return competence to the White House? [politics] (

The only economic stimulus: Peace and a smaller Federal Government [politics] (

How the Media Messes with Your Mind [science] (

Evidence of the "Colbert Bump" [science] (

The Mystery Of Glassy Water [science] (

A new version of an old idea is threatening the battery industry [science] (

Just a reminder: There's still a genocide in Darfur. [politics] (

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Electronics and the Environment [science] (

Do You Know the Cholesterol Lowering Herbs? [science] (

India and the US plan to cooperate in the exploration of space [science] (

An ordinary DVD played on a modern HDTV is not only a huge improvement over the picture on a standard TV, but practically indistinguishable from that produced by a Blu-ray or HD DVD disc [science] (

British scientists discover how to turn women's bone marrow into sperm [science] (

Another take on Easter Island [science] (

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