Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday is Zeitgeist

Hello, and welcome to the week. Happy MLK day as well, a federal holiday and most of us are working. I have two very horrible announcements that have fully come into my spectrum. Before last night I had slight paranoia about the coming of the NWO, but after watching Zeitgeist my eyes have been opened eve wider. 'Amero' and 'RFID' are two new terms you will be hearing alot about in the next few months. They will get lots of positive jive from the propaganda box (tv) but do not be fooled. We are crawling towards a world government and every step closer will take away more freedoms.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH Zeitgeist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fall of U.S. Dollar is Catalyst for Predatory Government's 'Amero' Introduction [politics] (

on v-chips, our new currency the Amero, and the North American Union- a must see [politics] (

Amero Collector's Coins (the North American Union currency) (

Amero: North American currency union [politics] (

Ex-Mexican prez: 'Amero' on the way (

The Amero: An Introduction, A Short History, and What it Would Mean for Our Economy (

You've heard of Euros, Now be prepared to say hello to Ameros (

Here Comes the Amero:Parliament Advised to Consider North American Currency [politics] (

Chipping People: RFID Implants and More (

This RFID shit is getting real. Fast. (

RFID What is it? and why should we care? (

Dutch RFID Public Transit Card, Which Has Already Cost The Government $2Billion Has Been Hacked Even Before It Has Been Deployed. (

The Warmongers Who Got Us Into Iraq Are Blaming Everyone But Themselves For The Humanitarian Disaster They Created. - by John Tirman, Executive Director of MIT's Center for International Studies. [politics] (

What happens if you are left alone in the dark in solitary confinement for days on end? (

Scientists employed by cell phone makers: Mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep [science] (

Days before Hitler invaded Poland, the USSR and Japan fought a massive tank battle on the Mongolian steppe. The battle shaped the course of WW2, but few have ever heard of it. Why? (

Causes of Great Depression 1929-1939 (Sound familiar?) (

Ignoramus Bill O'Reilly REPEATEDLY denies the existence of homeless veterans [politics] (

Wexler: Cheney impeachment 'far stronger than Watergate.' [politics] (

Two million Iraqis have died since 2003. Is it genocide yet? [politics] (

Thanks to a “White Knight” (in VERY shiny armour!) who came carrying a cheque for $55,600, the New Hampshire recount is BACK ON! [politics] (

Do you think Congress should investigate when the Pentagon essentially fabricates a video of U.S. ships being “threatened” by Iran? [politics] (

Weird water: Discovery challenges long-held beliefs about water's special properties [science] (

While you were sleeping, a full-fledged war broke out in Pakistan. 200 Taliban fighters captured a military fort. Then they captured another! This isn't a guerrilla campaign, this is open warfare. [politics] (

Ever wondered why Kucinich, Gravel, and Paul were banned from debates even as their campaigns grew? They told us "online support doesn't equal real-world numbers." Here's one reason why. [politics] (

New House Bill calls for paper ballots and an audit trail in time for 2008 Presidential Elections [politics] (

Time Capsule From 1791 Found [science] (

Marijuana: Prohibition Failing; Legalizing Could Be Tax Boon [politics] (

Life could exist in the ocean found under Europa's layer of ice... Scientists are designing a powerful robot-driller that will ... plunge into that alien ocean. [science] (

Madagascar plant discovered is so massive, it can be seen from Space [science] (

Goodbye Helium, Goodbye Brainscans [science] (

We owe our existence to a fungus among us [science] (

Finally: Scientists Transport a Hunk of Matter 18 Inches [science] (

"Second Thoughts about Fluoride," reports Scientific American (

Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as "one of the most important developments in the history of science". [science] (

Owning too much stuff drives us into a spiral of sadness. Or is the real problem "misery-creep", where everyday unhappiness is being rebranded as depression? (

Colbert Added to Smithsonian's Portrait Gallery Near "America's Presidents", Bathroom (

John McCain's Real War Record.. (To buy into the McCain-knows-best version of the Iraq war, you have to ignore a lot of history.) [politics] (

How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican National Committee Operative [politics] (

Why An Increasing Number of Multi-Millionaires Are Choosing Not To Leave Money To Their Children.. (

The Power of Being Influenced [science] (

Dozens of animals have been cloned over the last decade and it's becoming increasingly clear that they are all, in one way or another, defective. [science] (

"Sexual chemistry" -- Our lifestyles may unwittingly undermine our natural sex appeal. [science] (

Study finds clowns "universally disliked" by children (

Milan Fashion Week: Imagine the stupidest looking clothes you can. Then click the link. (

20 Things You Didn't Know About Snow [science] (

100 years ago women used to go to their family doctor for an orgasm. (

The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World (

NASA wants to recruit next generation of scientists and engineers through online game. [science] (

Contact lenses with circuits, lights a possible platform for superhuman vision [science] (

A once-in-a-lifetime chance to save over 200,000 acres of Redwood trees -- 10% of those remaining on earth. [science] (

How to convince someone that you are right [Pics] (

So Digg, eBay and Facebook walk into a room ... (video) (

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