Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday, oh Monday.

Hello and welcome to another wondrous week. No police state or martial law yet, so for the day we are in the clear!! Lots of interesting stuff happened over the weekend, and like a good news media corp. I have waited til Monday to inform you! Don't you love the way news can be cast aside during the weekend, and upon Monday's arrival it is thrown in your face? Enjoy your Monday and I'll see you on the Tues.

Iraq War protesters mysteriously get upgraded charges..anyone worried yet?

30 days to absolute tyranny

TEACHINGS OF DIOGENES (c. 412- c. 323 B.C )

US demands, Europe agrees to provide info on whether foreign travelers to US are gay, union members, religious beliefs

Bush is now blocking stem cell research that doesn't use embryos

Bush Fulfills His Grandfather's Dream

Gonzales helped cover up Bush drunken driving conviction in 1996

Martial Law Threat is Real

Maybe war with Iran won't be so easy: Russia to sell 250 fighter jets to Tehran

The American Dream becomes a Nightmare

Nuclear power is the only green solution
The Food Squeeze: Why Food won't be cheap anymore

New Zealand parliament outlaws satire of parliament

Consider this disturbing fact: the United States now has the world's highest incarceration rate outside of North Korea.

Revealed: MI5's Role in CIA Torture Flights
RED ALERT - shots fired ED & ELAINE BROWNS Under Attack
Map of countries with universal health care

Oscar The Psychic Cat Got Twice The Coverage of The FBI Director Calling the Attorney General A Perjurer On CBS News

The secret top eight levels of Scientology explained

Rumsfeld Helped Al Qaeda Establish a Stronghold - Seriously

Noam Chomsky: What is at Stake in Iraq

Guess who didn't go to Iraq - (scroll down)

Bush makes a huge mistake by hammering Michael Moore with a subpoena

Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job. Meet Torin Wolf. He has a broad and varied background in the US Army during Operation Iraqi Freedom, building construction contractor, certified structural welder, certified asbestos and hazardous materials worker, experienced demolitions expert, teacher, radio show host, and well studied 9/11 truth activist...

Eating three of these beans could kill you but the plant they come from could solve the planet's energy puzzle

Scientists have detected a hidden magnetic “quantum order” that extends over chains of nearly 100 atoms in a material that is otherwise magnetically disordered.

Seven riddles suggest a secret city beneath Tokyo

Novak: Bush is “secretly” planning to engage US forces in yet another war

NY Times: It was Cheney who sent Gonzales to Ashcroft's bedside

The USA is stuck in Iraq, mired in a hopeless struggle against armed, violent people who were not their enemies four years ago, and it's all because the American press did not have the courage to research the Administration's claims

Gen. Wesley Clark: The US had plans to overthrow 7 nations only 9 days after 9/11

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