Friday, July 20, 2007

Finally Friday!

Hello and good morning to you! Concluding my 6th week on the blog territory, there is a terrible stirring of controversial news. There isn't much to be said anymore, other then to WAKE UP! We are under attack by our own government and the only weapon we have is knowledge. So become informed and research the conspiracies that surround our every day lives. We will no longer be rats in a maze- we need to break free of the invisible walls that hold us into what we believe is being free! Go forth and spread the word, the end is near.

This is a wake-up call that we are about to experience another 9/11-WMD experience.

800 empty prison camps in the United States, waiting...

This Is How Empires End - by Pat Buchanan

Sometimes a comment needs to be singled out. "Do you people begin to realize what the fuck is happening?"

Bush Abolishes Fifth Amendment

Homeland Conspiracy

Bush is the imperial president that James Madison and other founders of this great republic warned us about.

America is just starting to wake up to the awesome scale of its Iraq disaster

Does the fact Ron Paul has 3% mean anything? Apparently not. Bill Clinton was only at 2% in 1991.

Report: "Anti-gang legislation and police crackdowns are failing so badly that they are strengthening the criminal organizations and making cities more dangerous."

Why vote for the people keeping our troops in Iraq? Here they are, it's no secret

Demonizing Putin: US' real intention is to force Moscow to do whatever Washington wants by putting a loaded gun to its head. By placing weapons systems and radar on Russia's borders the US will have a critical advantage that will disrupt the essential balance of power. Putin can't allow this to happen.

Man beats IRS in court! Avoids paying income tax on 10 years worth of earnings.

Our Emanuel Goldstein: Taliban leader confesses, "Bin Laden died of lung failure on 26 December 2001. I attended his funeral."

Bush administration: This is it -- this is the tipping point.

Senator Patrick Leahy sends Attorney General Alberto Gonzales his questions in advance so he can't dodge them with an 'I don't recall' response

Did I Hear You Right? Oil Execs Call For Doubling Of Vehicle Fuel Economy

For 6 years, Vice President Dick Cheney has guarded the secrecy of the discussions and participants in his energy task force, now some information comes to light

84% of sunscreen products are harmful to health, says alarming EWG study

Chemistry Professor Designs Inexpensive Water Filter That Brings Health to Millions

9 Superpowers made real by modern technology [Videos]

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