Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wednesday is cut

Hello, and welcome. check out these links...

Obam wins Super Tuesday (845-836), and overtakes Clinton in the total delegate count (908-884). (

Obama Is The Only Major Candidate Left In The Race Who Sounds Like He Would Even Contemplate Negotiating With Enemies & Looking For Ways To Avoid The Bellicosity Of The Bush Years. (

It's Got to be Obama -- he is poised to try a little harder to make a little more change than the same old, same old, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton (

Obama won more states, won more delegates, improved his numbers with key groups, widened his lead among minority voters, and over-all, outperformed Hillary. Period. (

Anybody notice that Barack is beating Hillary in the Red States? (

2 Words for Feminists Supporting Hillary Because She's a Woman: Condoleeza Rice (

In a stunning upset, Ron Paul loses every state on Super Tuesday! (self.politics)

McCain predicts: “I’m sorry to tell you, there’s going to be other wars.” We are forewarned that McCain intends to be a war president (

Buchanan: John McCain ‘Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi’ (

John McCain's hothead personality and short temper make him unfit to be president, let alone senator, say GOP colleagues (

John "There's Gonna Be More Wars" McCain, John "Hundred Years In Iraq" McCain --- "Is Carried By Anti-War Crowd"... WTF??? (

Evidence of Fraud and Disenfranchisement in 2004 Ohio Election: (a) fraud, (b) disenfranchisment, (c) voter suppression, (d) recount obstruction, (e) vote machine tampering. (

Mitt Romney is not a Conservative, he’s just another Corporatist (

Bush spends 7 years destroying the constitution, Senate Judiciary committee member Arlen Specter decides to investigate NFL spying [] (

Memo to Arlen Specter: We wanted you to investigate the Patriot Act Spying not the New England Patriots (

Remember that town in Vermont that us users at reddit sent thank you letters to for voting to arrest Bush and Cheney? They noticed and told the media! (

Militarism Is Deeply Entrenched in the American Psyche; We must understand its endless appeal if we ever hope to change it. (

People like Dick Cheney are incapable of believing in political principles separate from their economic self-interest, they assume everyone is driven by the same corrupt motives that plague them. (

The world's rubbish dump: a garbage tip that stretches from Hawaii to Japan [science] (

A TSA officer told me that coming to a US airport with Arabic words on my T-shirt was equivalent to visiting a bank while wearing a shirt that read "I'm a robber". (

Curious, now the total of damage undersea fiberoptic cables numbers five (5) (

Wonder why FIVE undersea communication cables were cut? Answer: to stop Iran from installing oil bourse scheduled to go online this month (

[PIC] Locations of the 5 Damaged Submarine Cables - The Map May Surprise You [] (

How do you fix an undersea cable? - By Lindsay Goldwert - Slate Magazine [science] (

Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots (

"Euros Accepted" signs pop up in New York City [] (

Life, the universe and a really deep mine [science] (

Top 10 coolest plants [science] (

The 5,000+ year old air conditioners and refrigerators of Iran [science] (

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