Iran test fires long and medium range missiles (reuters.com)
Iraq insists on withdrawal timetable for US troops (apnews.myway.com)
Europe! It happened! (news.bbc.co.uk)
Judge Walker ruled, effectively, that President George W. Bush is a felon. (salon.com)
Bush Quietly Declared a National State of Emergency on June 26, 2008 (whitehouse.gov)
The FISA Cavein Is Congress’ Shame (firedoglake.com)
61 year old Librarian carrying McCain=Bush sign kicked out of McCain Event (progressnowaction.org)
Anti-Terrorism Exercises in China (boston.com)
White House in climate change cover up "This cover-up is being directed from the White House and the office of the vice president," (reuters.com)
AT&T Whistleblower: “Congress is intervening ... to ... protect the President ... It was all a secret deal, a conspiracy against the American people” (democracynow.org)
Almost 35 years ago, a U.S. President was forced to resign due to lawbreaking and surveillance abuses. This week, the U.S. Congress will act to cover-up and protect far worse lawbreaking. (salon.com)
Brainwashing: How the CIA Sought Control of the Mind (nytimes.com)
Landmark Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative in Massachusetts (responsiblecrimepolicy.org)
The G8 are responsible for 62 percent of the carbon dioxide accumulated in the Earth's atmosphere, which makes them the main culprit of climate change and the biggest part of the problem (reuters.com)
Over the last two weeks, climate change has graduated officially from an environmental to a full-fledged national security issue (climateprogress.org)
Pennsylvania does it ! Is First State to Pass Greenhouse Gas Emissions Legislation (celsias.com)
"Revenge of the Electric Car," coming to a theater near you (autobloggreen.com)
Utilizing only 1% of the earth's deserts to produce clean solar electric energy would provide more electricity than is currently being produced on the entire planet by fossil fuels (solardev.com)
Ex-EPA Official: White House Lied To Hide Cheney’s Role In Eviscerating Global Warming Testimony (thinkprogress.org)
Homes that produce their own energy: Producing your own power is no longer just about going green: rising energy prices mean you could quickly turn a profit, too (property.timesonline.co.uk)
Harvesting power from raindrops (plentymag.com)
Green Driving Tips: Ways to Be Environmentally Friendly With Your Car This Summer (caaneo.ca)
Whale-Inspired Wind Turbines (technologyreview.com)
Beyond petroleum, coal, nuclear and alternative energy, there's another, untapped resource: efficiency. (forbes.com)
Landscapes of Mars (popsci.com)
America Losing the New Space Race (washingtonpost.com)
Monsanto has to Accept Full Responsibility for Genetic Contamination (globalresearch.ca)
The Urge to End It - Understanding Suicide (nytimes.com)
Ayahuasca: powerful Amazonian hallucinagen may permanently cure depression? (nationalgeographic.com)
Simple Life Form May Have Existed 700 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought (sciencedaily.com)
Sonar enters the third dimension (features.csmonitor.com)
George Monbiot: Trawlermen cling on as oceans empty - and the ecosystem is gasping (guardian.co.uk)
Scientists say we should eat more insects. Are we the weirdos for not eating bugs? (belfasttelegraph.co.uk)
The Color of the Sun: Revelation (scientificblogging.com)
Super atoms turn the periodic table upside down (physorg.com)
For 8 years, even the highly corrupt FDA refused to certify aspartame as safe because it produced seizures and brain tumors in lab animals. Then Ronald Reagan became president (brasschecktv.com)
Women get PMS but men get Irritable Male Syndrome (scientificblogging.com)
Is It Possible to Escape The Consumerist Mindset? (oftwominds.com)
World stocks at 21-month low as banks plunge (reuters.com)
When the going gets tough, economists go very quiet (guardian.co.uk)
Long-term unemployment in the US climbs 37 percent in one year (the-peoples-forum.com)
Why Don't We Know Why Oil Prices Are So High? (npr.org)
Where's All the World's Food? “It’s the worst crisis of its kind in more than 30 years.” (ecoworldly.com)
Recession is not the worst possible outcome (ft.com)
The Internet Year In 10 Images (0at.org)
42 Extremely Useful FireFox Addons (reencoded.com)
Theo Jansen - The Kinetic Sculptor (geeksaresexy.net)
Artist Joshua Allen Harris Turns Garbage Bags Into World's Greatest Balloon Animals (nymag.com)
Albino Humans and Beasts (scienceray.com)