**also, we have invaded Pakistan.
U.S. confirms ground assault against Taliban inside Pakistan. Sept 03, 1:28am (news.yahoo.com)**
Factchecking Palin's Speech (cbsnews.com)
Palin's Speech Fact Checked (news.yahoo.com)
Palin Just Delivered One of the Most Tasteless and Petty Acceptance Speeches in Political History [Transcript] (npr.org)
Palin lied when she said that Obama has never passed a single reform (andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com)
...."At last count, sponsorship of 820 laws in Illinois, and authorship of 152 bills and co-sponsorship of 427 in Washington. The 2007 Ethics Reform bill alone cannot be dismissed as simply non-existent. And since part of Palin's own claim to substance is an ethics reform bill, it seems extremely weird that she should believe that Obama's record is a total zero. You can go look at Obama's State Senate legislative record here. And his US Senate record here. "
Palin didn’t mention Bush once. Neither did Giuliani or Huckabee. Finally, they join us in being ashamed of our president. But voters will remember Bush this year when they’re in the voting booth. (theseminal.com)
Palin: "... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?" - Absolutely Disgusting. (cnn.com)
Palin Delivers Tired, Nasty, Telepromptered 40 Year Old Conservative Rhetoric at RNC (opednews.com)
"Mrs. Palin needs to be reminded that Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor." (politico.com)
Palin Speech Empty as Her Resume (ourrepublicblog.com)
Palin on 13 Issues: 47 Documented References (thinkprogress.org)
The Hard Questions Remain; Easiest Task for Palin May Have Been Speech (nytimes.com)
Two conservative commentators on MSNBC, after they're off the air, caught saying what they really think about the veep choice. (uk.youtube.com)
This is what community organizers do...They change the world. Block by block, city by city, state by state, nation by nation...So, GOP, meet the community organizers... (dailykos.com)
What is it Republicans hate? Guiliani and Palin both made it pretty clear: community organizing. (boingboing.net)
Organizers Community Organizers Fight Back...demand apology from Alaska governor, say “we’re working to clean up your mess!” (organizersfightback.wordpress.com)
It was stunning that a woman billed as a “Hockey Mom” spent so much time acting just like all the other millionaires and billionaires who took the stage before her - laughing at American citizens. (theseminal.com)
Last year, Palin requested more earmarks per person than any other state -- including some that were criticized by McCain himself. (tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com)
Palin built her political career on an image as a "reformer," but Alaskan journalists discovered she was committing the same abuses that she was decrying (consortiumnews.com)
CNN's Roland Martin is PISSED -- His parents were community organizers (youtube.com)
If you don't want daugher to be a campaign issue, don't use her as a campaign prop. (news.yahoo.com)
Romney's not so subtle attack on Michelle Obama was slimey and dirtbagish. You did not hear the DNC alluding to Cindy McCain's drug problem, did you? (gopolitico.com)
This was an evening of anger, hate, and spite. The speakers were downright mean, as was the crowd. Ironically, despite being a new face, Palin delivered the message of a tired, old Republican Party. (jedreport.com)
But, the fact is, while she did POST the plane on eBay, she didn't SELL the plane on eBay...the state turned to an aircraft broker, Turbo North Aviation and THEY sold it. (dailykos.com)
Calling your opponent an elitist as you parade around national television wearing $300,000 worth of material: Priceless (politicalnewsline.com)
Steelworkers President To Palin: ‘Stop Using Your Husband’s Membership In The USW As A Prop’ (thinkprogress.org)
8 More Shocking Revelations About Sarah Palin (alternet.org)
Sarah Palin and the Environment: She has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection (defendersactionfund.org)
In a More Diverse America, A Mostly White Convention (washingtonpost.com)
If John McCain can't stand up to Larry King how will he stand up to the terrorist? (optionarmageddon.ml-implode.com)
Jon Stewart on GOP hypocrisy over the VP issue (thedailyshow.com)
"Drill Baby Drill!" vs. "Yes We Can!": The Difference in 3 Words (dailykos.com)
The Palin Affect: Obama hit's 50 percent in the polls for the first time (gallup.com)