White House 'buried British intelligence on Iraq WMDs' (timesonline.co.uk)
Why Misgovernment Was No Accident in George W. Bush's Washington (truthout.org)
Now, Pelosi, After this Smoking Gun, Will You Call for Impeachment? (progressive.org)
Washington Post raises serious McCain fundraising questions (dailykos.com)
Obama Hits McCain MUCH HARDER..."McCain’s energy plan reads like an early Christmas list for oil and gas lobbyists. And it’s no wonder – many of his top advisors are former oil and gas lobbyists." (dailykos.com)
"Women serving in the U.S. military today are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire in Iraq. (edition.cnn.com)
America now has officially joined the ranks of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia by enacting its first-ever "exit tax." (nestmannblog.sovereignsociety.com)
The State's Plan to Censor the Internet.....Beware of the the coming iPatriot Act ready to be enacted by the cretinous congress after there is an i911 (lewrockwell.com)
Tenet: "“The most startling revelation from this intelligence success story was that the anthrax program had been developed in parallel to 9/11 planning." (ridingthejuggernaut.blogspot.com)
Harry Sargeant III, former naval officer and owner of oil-trading co. that recently inked defense contracts worth more than $1 billion, is archetype McCain bundler. (washingtonpost.com)
Secret EU security draft calls for Europe-wide police access to personal info, video- and unmanned aerial surveillance drones, giving all data to US government (guardian.co.uk)
Musharraf 'to face impeachment' (news.bbc.co.uk)
"Dress rehearsal" nuclear attack drill being run in SF on August 16th. 7/7 had a training exercise the same day, 9/11 had a training exercise the same day. Thoughts ? (redditorial.com)
Ridiculous: U.S. Olympic Cyclists had to apologize for wearing smog masks (timesonline.co.uk)
Found: The hottest water on Earth. And it is in a state that has never before been seen in nature. (environment.newscientist.com)
Eating Meat Is Worse Than Driving a Truck ... for the Climate (alternet.org)
Brazil On The Brink Of Civil War as rice farmers try to steal Indian reservation. Sad. Happening again. Kill the Indians. Steal their land. Give it to farmers who cut down all the trees. (cbsnews.com)
Not So Easy Bringing Green Products To Market (environmentalleader.com)
triclosan, which is found in a lot of antimicrobial soaps and toothpaste products, can react with chlorine in the tap water. Guess what you get? (This is the horrifying part.) Chloroform (naturalnews.com)
The first study outside China that has examined goji berry consumption (fiteyes.com)
The debate about what counts as a living thing is fuelled today by the discovery of the first virus that is able to fall "ill" by being infected with another virus. (telegraph.co.uk)
US scientists have discovered people who can "hear" what they see. (news.bbc.co.uk)
Broccoli may undo diabetes damage (news.bbc.co.uk)
“I’m ashamed to say that there were folks even in the medical department who said, Over my dead body will American civilians see this,” (nytimes.com)
5 Tips To Filling The Hole Inside: Whether we are in a relationship or single many of us feel that we have an emptiness inside that, something outside of ourselves has the incredible power to fill up. (huffingtonpost.com)
Instead of people being super creative when they're young and getting less so with age, Galenson says that artists fall into two general categories: Old Masters and Young Geniuses. (kottke.org)
Bored? Don't shrug it off. It's central to learning and creativity. (iht.com)
The falling price of oil explained (business.timesonline.co.uk)It's a Small World After All: A look into the small business enviornment in the U.S. (portfolio.com)
Freddie Mac Posts Fourth Straight Loss, Cuts Dividend (bloomberg.com)
10 ways insurance companies will screw you (dailystrength.org)
Fannie, Freddie Reality Check: The Big Bailout Is Coming (globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com)
Women, Repeat This: Don’t Ask, Don’t Get (nytimes.com)
Fiscal Conservative (cagle.com)Lightning slowed waaaaaaaaay down (cgi.fark.com)
The Robot's Rebellion (overcomingbias.com)
Sorting Out Coffee’s Contradictions (nytimes.com)
The 15 Best Hangover Cures From Around The World (sloshspot.com)
Visualisation of traffic driven by various social news sites (xach.com)
How-To: Stop the RIAA/MPAA from sniffing your bittorrent traffic (sadgeekblog.blogspot.com)