Article V of the Constitution states that, "on the application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, [Congress] shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments." This would allow us, the citizens, the ability to initiate amendments so we could change and/or clarify the Constitution. All 50 states have applied numerous times, and yet a convention has never been held. Why?
Who wants war with Iran? It seems that Fox News does [VIDEO]
No GOP Presidential Race is Complete Without Criminal Activity: The latest on McCain's Bathroom Blowjob Hypocrite, Romney's Cop-Imitating Director of Operations, Giuliani's Coke Hound, possibly Fred Thompson himself, and much more.
Bush cabinet member comes clean to 60 minutes
Former Reagan Administration Official : George W. Bush is a War Criminal
Ron Paul: "The house of cards Nixon built is now on the verge of collapsing on our heads"
White House Declares Itself a "Freedom" Free Zone
Barack Obama's Republican edge (Republicans are more likely to support Obama than Hillary and is why Rove has been drumming up Hillary Clinton.)
"Ron Paul: Americans are Living on Borrowed Money and Time"
Paradise Lost: Imperialism on the Isle of Diego Garcia
If Ron Paul gets more donations from members of the military than any other candidate, than why is Gallup finding that he's only polling at 1% with veterans?
Ted Nugent threatens Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton during a performance- with machine guns in hand!
AT&T Ditches 'Fewest Dropped Calls' Ad Campaign
How our seedy, corrupt Washington establishment operates
Study: Martian soil may contain life
Top 10 Physically Modified People - Scary Stuff
Insurance company sends a private fire department to a wild fire zone in an effort to protect only the homes owned by their more wealthy clients
Atheistic Societies Are Happy Societies
The Privileged Class
Russia's military expansion may not be as threatening as it looks. We might even end up grateful for its rebalancing of the world order.
Burn the Spring Chicken [Pics]
Getting Over The “Taboo” Of Generics And Store Brands
At the Rotenberg Center, autistic, mentally retarded, and emotionally troubled children from eight states are subjected to food deprivation, social isolation, and electric shocks. Employees wear remotes bearing a picture of each child around their waist so they don't shock the wrong kid [PHOTO ESSAY]
Google Inc. is co-hosting a "Conservative Modern Media Strategies Workshop" with the right-wing Heritage Foundation. WTF happened to Do No Evil?
What do close advisors to Stephen Harper and George W. Bush have in common? They reflect the disturbing teachings of Leo Strauss, who believed in the inherent inequality of humanity. Most people, he famously taught, are too stupid to make informed decisions about their political affairs. Elite philosophers must decide on affairs of state for us. In Washington, Straussians exert powerful influence from within the inner circle of the White House.
Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest
Astronomers Find Gaping Hole in the Universe, Dwarfs all Previous Discoveries
Imagine how this sounds to the average Iraqi. "America is fighting this war for your freedom and safety. Also, we're drawing all the world's worst terrorists into your backyard so they blow up your markets and police stations, and steer clear of ours."
Man served 10 years in prison for selling light bulbs [WAR ON DRUGS]
White House: Wealth Inequality "Is Not A Very Interesting Story"
The metre (and a list of those who don't use the metric system) [pic]
Gigantic Jets are lightning-like discharges that spring from the top of thunderstorms, reaching all the way from the thunderhead to the ionosphere 50+ miles overhead. They're enormous and powerful[video]