Rep. Dennis Kucinich calls for 1,000,000 signatures by September 10, 2008 to increase the pressure to impeach President Bush (impeachment.kucinich.us)
The Enabling Act of 1933 (Nazi Germany) compared to The Patriot Act of 2001 (United States) (vote-ron-paul-in-2008.blogspot.com)
Pelosi Took Impeachment Off The Table Because It Might Force Her To Admit Congress’ Complicity In Allowing The Torture Techniques Used On Prisoners In Guantanamo Bay (jackandjillpolitics.com)
Speaker Pelosi admits SHE HASN'T EVEN READ IMPEACHMENT ARTICLES (impeachforpeace.org)
Keith Olbermann and guest tear apart the Bush DoJ's claim that the anthrax mailings were the work of one "mad scientist" acting alone (belowgroundsurface.org)
Yes, She Can: Hillary Clinton feels no guilt about encouraging her supporters to mess up Barack Obama’s big moment, thus undermining his odds of beating John McCain. (nytimes.com)
As John McCain runs an increasingly negative, sarcastic campaign, some prominent Republicans are deciding that it would be better for the country if Barack Obama were the next President. (theseminal.com)
Cindy Sheehan Makes It On Ballot To Oppose Nancy Pelosi (afterdowningstreet.org)
Does anyone find it ironic that Pakistan can get it together to hold their corrupt President, who fires top judicial officials for personal & partisan gain, accountable with impeachment, but we can't? (theseminal.com)
Ignoring forged war documents is a dangerous precedent (dailykos.com)
How Is John McCain's Affair Different from John Edwards'? (alternet.org)
KBR/Haliburton worker raped, locked in shipping container for days to prevent her from reporting the attack (alternet.org)
Temperatures Hit 80 Degrees in the Arctic: 2008 May See a Record Sea-Ice Melt After All (dailykos.com)The Alarm is going off real loud on Climate Change - Is Anyone Listening? (celsias.com)
Bush Changes Rules: Political Appointees, Not Scientists, Now Decide Species Protection Status (msnbc.msn.com)
U.S. Takes the Lead in Wind Energy Generation [environment] (celsias.com)
A 3000-year-old Practice May Revolutionize the Future of Farming (planetsave.com)
IKEA to Invest $77 Million in Clean Tech, Could Result in Solar Sales in Stores (greenbiz.com)
Devastating declines of amphibian species around the world mean that we're in a "mass extinction spasm" (nbc11.com)
The Environmental & Health Benefits of Hemp (naturalnews.com)
Solar Antennas Could Eventually Replace Solar Panels (thoughtsonglobalwarming.blogspot.com)
5 Scientific Theories That Will Make Your Head Explode (cracked.com)Surpassing Nature, Scientists Bend Light Backward (nytimes.com)
The Pill may put you off smell of your man and ruin your relationship (timesonline.co.uk)
What is energy and how it works (bizaims.com)
Sorting Out Coffee’s Contradictions (nytimes.com)
Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World (video.google.com)
Why real and imagined disgust have the same effect (newscientist.com)
Learning how to cook food stimulated a big leap in human cognition some 150,000 years ago (livescience.com)
Optimism in Evolution (nytimes.com)
Startup Has E. Coli Pooping Black Gold...Fossil Fuel From Bacteria. (dailytech.com)
Productivity increases since the 1970s indicate that average U.S. wages should be around $58,000/year. They are $36,000/year currently, with corporations pocketing the difference. (bobgiloth.com)What Recent Market Movements Teach Us About Financial Markets (stefanmikarlsson.blogspot.com)
Guess Who's Buying The US Dollar (fnarena.com)
Women, Repeat This: Don’t Ask, Don’t Get (nytimes.com)
The Great Gold Robbery of 1933 (mises.org)
Our Economic Past - Construction Boom and Bust Between the World Wars (fee.org)
A good view on what makes Phelps so special (bbc.co.uk)
Visualisation of traffic driven by various social news sites (xach.com)
The Robot's Rebellion (overcomingbias.com)
Wikipedia List of cognitive biases (en.wikipedia.org)
This is insane (chilloutzone.de)
Bush looking very enthusiastic at the Parade of Nations (youtube.com)
George W. Bush at Olympics (loqu.com)
2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games Opening Ceremony (nbcolympics.com)