It's on! McCain to attend debate. (sfgate.com)
McCain Wins Debate [That Hasn't Taken Place Yet...] (voices.washingtonpost.com)
Debate Still in Limbo as Democrats Blame McCain For Interrupting Process (washingtonpost.com)
Obama to McCain: "We're only talking about 90 minutes, here." (msnbc.msn.com)
"I didn't know I was going to be the referee for an internal GOP ideological civil war," Frank, D-Mass., said on CBS's "The Early Show." (talkingpointsmemo.com)
NPR: Debate-cancelling John McCain "hardly said a word" at bailout meeting! (Click "Listen") (npr.org)
John McCain last night was accused of sabotaging the Wall Street bail-out with theatrics that reduced America's credit crisis to a showcase for his presidential leadership capabilities (guardian.co.uk)
McCain Campaign: "Palin Clueless", "Debate Prep Disasterous" (dailykos.com)
Huckabee: McCain made a "huge mistake" by even discussing canceling the presidential debate (arkansasbusiness.com)
Liar, liar, LIAR! McCain’s Still Lying About Rick Davis And His Lobbyist Activities (crooksandliars.com)
Watch Sarah Palin explain to Katie Couric how Alaska's proximity to Russia is relevant national security experience. This is beyond embarrassing. (huffingtonpost.com)
Palin caught in $25,000 gifting scandal. She accepted over 25k in gifts in just 20 months as Governor from lobbyists and CEOs. (washingtonpost.com)
Palin to return donations from tainted politicians. Yeah. *Now* she'll give them back. Kids caught hand-in-cookie-jar are always contrite. (mlive.com)
Sarah Palin owes voters an explanation about charging rape victims for rape kits (americablog.com)
WTF: Remember when Bush could have insured millions of POOR AMERICAN CHILDREN for $35 Billion and vetoed the bill? But he RACES to give $700 BILLION TO BANKS. (nytimes.com)
CBS News Executives "Aggravated" By Letterman's Use Of Internal News Feed: Yeah! Arrogant bastard. How dare he expose McCain's hypocrisy! (huffingtonpost.com)
Which Candidate Is Ready To Lead? ... During the Bailout Meeting, Obama said it was "time to hear from McCain". All McCain said was, "I support the principles that House Republicans are fighting for." (biz.yahoo.com)
Jon Stewart completely destroys bush - compares Iraq war speech and bailout speech side-by-side (thedailyshow.com)
Gallup Daily: Race Back to a Tie at 46% Each (gallup.com)
WaMu becomes biggest bank to fail in US history (huffingtonpost.com)JPMorgan to buy WaMu - and the market continues to fix itself (money.cnn.com)
The Banking Industry is the biggest contributor to all politicians. That is why they support the Bailout scam. Listen to Economists, not greedy Politicians! (wwsd.biz)
CBS: McCain offered last-minute new proposal with fewer regulations and more corporate tax cuts (americablog.com)
French banks were hit a lot less hard than those in many other countries: "generally in France you spend what you have and not more," (news.bbc.co.uk)
Welcome back to perfect credit and 20% down for a house. Houses are for the wealthy only. (money.cnn.com)
France's top diplomat said Thursday that many European nations have decided to wait out the Bush administration (iht.com)
Smoking Gun: Clinton is Responsible (query.nytimes.com)
Very good video explaining how debt is created, and how it powers the US economy. Disturbing, yet informative. (video.google.com)