Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday is Obama and NOT Clinton

Hello, clearly it is NOT Clinton. No one wants a continuation of the horrific pattern: Bush, Clinton, Bush . . . . . NOT Clinton!

Romney to "suspend" campaign (

Hillary Clinton has been part of the political machine for decades, with the connections that implies. And yet, she needs to open her and Bill's wallet to compete with a junior Senator from Illinois. (

Obama has now raised $7 million just since Super Tuesday, to Hillary's $1 million (

Clinton loans herself $5 million (

If this is the bizarro world version of 1968, with Obama the closest thing we've seen to RFK, then is Clinton like Nixon, a little-liked figure from a previous administration who slips into power? (

Yesterday at 3:15 pm, Obama voted for an amendment that would expire FISA in four years instead of six, giving the next president a shot at amending the law. Clinton was nowhere to be found. (

Well-placed spouse of Clinton campaign insider just told me that a rumor is spreading like wild fire in Hillaryland that Al Gore is going to endorse Barack Obama. (

How Obama defied Reid and got real ethics reform passed (

I’ve worked for three presidents and known two or three others,” said Michael Blumenthal, "And Obama is just about the only politician I’ve ever seen who compares to Jack Kennedy.” (

Clinton Chronicle: The entire story of the Clintons. (

Why Obama? - An Answer (which doesn't just compare him to Hillary or the Republicans.) (

You probably don't know yet how close the US came to war with Iran over the Strait of Hormuz speedboats... (

Jan. 28, 2008, is a date that will live in congressional infamy. Congress surrendered the power of the purse over national security affairs to the White House. (

Saudi Arabia: America's Tyrannical Friend (

Waterboarding used to be illegal. The law's never been repealed, no law allowing it has been passed, and it's never been struck down. It's still illegal (

White House: "We Definitely Want To Consider Using Waterboarding Again" (

Fiscal Idiocy - Why the State of the Union is worse than George W. Bush will admit. (

US Border Guards will copy your laptop/ipod/camera contents. [] (

NY Times: None Dare Call It Nixonian: The White House (Apparently) Lost a Bit of E-Mail (

Britain Is Slithering Down The Road Towards A Police State: The machine is out of control. Personal surveillance in Britain is so extensive that no democratic oversight is remotely plausible. (

Next step towards police state: heavily armed military in the subway (

NY Lawmakers Shocked At Bush's 77% Cut In Health Funding for 9/11 Victims (

U.S. is paying for Iran's nuclear program. Seriously. (

Facebook: Data Collection System for Governments and Corporations (

Google will spend hundreds of millions to support alternative energy; out-spends government [science] (

DNA Found to Have "Impossible" Telepathic Properties [science] (

New car battery lasts 4x longer, produces 150% of the power, and is 70% cheaper [science] (

Top 10 badass ancient weapons [] (

The Evolution of Tech Companies Logos [] (

The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You [science] (

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