For what little it's worth, the DHS followed its notice of the new procedures and document requirements for land border crossings with the announcement of the details of a new "passport card". Their idea was, apparently, to assuage the intense and widespread criticism of the new document requirements for land border crossings by promising to offer a cheaper alternative to a passport, "real soon now". But passport cards won't begin to be available until after the new procedures for USA-Canada/Mexico land border crossings take effect. As I had expected , the passport card will contain a "vicinity" RFID chip, i.e. a chip that can be read at longer range than the "proximity" chip in "RFID passports. The DHS admits that each passport card will respond to any query by sending back a unique chip ID number -- apparently in the clear. So if you want a cheaper alternative to an (RFID) passport, it will have a much longer-range identity broadcasting mechanism. And as with RFID passports, there's nothing in the new rules to restrict private and commercial tracking of passport cards by their unique chip numbers, or secret commercial aggregation, use, and sale of those tracking logs.
Sounds awesome. I’m traveling to the UK and Europe in mid-March. I'll let you know how this new DHS permission thing goes. apparently what it seems they are trying to do is move everyone from an original passport to an RFID passport. The only way to move people from point A to point B is to make a new ridiculous law, then implement an easier way to get the law across to appear as a positive in the public's eye. A RFID chip in your passport would enable the govt to track you wherever you go, without the written 'permission' with a RFID chip in it.
Pretty soon, it will be mandatory to get a RFID chip implanted in you for 'safety' tracking and to store all your personal information (SS#, CC#, insurance) basically everything that identifies you as you. And can all be erased in the blink of an eye, without any form of physical identification. Fun times ahead!
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