Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday is a sunny middle

Hello, it is sunny out there- an I am inside looking out. Middle of the week, and i'm feeling quite grand. Enjoy the day!

Clinton Heckled, Obama Cheered Over 'Bitter' Remarks [politics] (

Condi ordered the CIA to torture. It was even "choreographed." She MUST Resign. [politics] (

The Bush Admin's How-to Guide for Using Religious Warfare to Destroy Iraq [politics] (

Michelle Obama Charms Colbert [politics] (

Why is Obama successful? He read the rules. Hillary didn't [politics] (

Wash Post/ABC News Poll: Clinton "has lost trust among voters, a majority of whom now view her as dishonest" [politics] (

Bill Clinton: Older voters too savvy to fall for Obama [politics] (

"remember that Wall Street is not a non-profit community driven by altruism or any sense of service. They would gladly cheat you out of your entire life savings if their actions were legal" [business] (

"The head of the Federal Reserve keeps on pumping easy credit into the system - a crazy policy that will worsen the crisis." The Madness of Ben Bernanke [business] (

US Fed Responsible for the Credit Crisis [business] (

New High-Res Map of US Per-Capita Carbon Footprint [science] (

Medical Breakthrough: Scientists discover "master gene" for blood vessel growth in tumors. Turn it off and you can control their growth or death. [science] (

Intelligence and rhythmic accuracy go hand in hand [science] (

Ultracapacitors: the future of electric cars or the 'cold fusion' of autovation? [environment] (

Earth Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever [science] (

drug addiction paradox:many of our most addictive foods and drugs come from plants that originally developed toxins to deter herbivorous predators [science] (

6 secrets car rental companies don’t want you to know [business] (

They Ordered The Cameras Off: The Best Six Minutes Of The Keynote Address That The National Association Of Broadcasters Didn't Want You To Hear [entertainment] (

The technology that will save humanity: The solar energy you haven't heard of is the one best suited to generate clean electricity for generations to come. [environment] (

Get ready for a new world order in which energy will govern what we eat, where we live, and if and when we travel. [environment] (

Vitamin supplements taken by millions may raise risk of premature death, claims new scientific review [science] (

Top 5 Viable New Cancer Treatments [science] (

China in depth, National Geographic special [offbeat] (

New Ways to Store Solar Energy for Nighttime and Cloudy Days [environment] (

possible biochemical scar linking Earth's greatest mass extinction to a single substance [science] (

Digg Is Just A Dude (

Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk' [worldnews] (

Matter-Antimatter Split Hints at Physics Breakdown [science] (

Forecast for big sea level rise [science] (

16 Of the World’s Most Sought After Exotic Pets [PICS] [offbeat] (

R.I.P.: Owning Music (1880-2008) [Music] (

Googolopoly (

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