Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday is TAX day!

Remember to get all of your taxes postmarked by TODAY or else you're fucked! Not really. Income Taxes are unconstitutional.

43 Percent of Your Tax Dollars Pay for War, only 3 percent goes to education and jobs. [politics] (fcnl.org)

History of the Income Tax in the United States (infoplease.com)

IRS, Friend or Foe: Are Income Taxes Constitutional? (apfn.org)

The Income Tax: Constitutional? (w3f.com)

What Obama Said Isn't Elitist, It's Honest [politics] (theinformationparadox.com)

Obama: "I'm sure that Senator Clinton feels like she's doing me a great favor, because she's been deploying most of the arguments that the Republican Party will be using against me in November." [politics] (washingtonpost.com)

Someday, I hope April 15th will be Freedom Day instead of Tax Day - a day to remember the huge, expensive, and intrusive government that once was and that we should be on guard against forever. [politics] (populistamerica.com)

Abolish All ‘Taxes’ (nytimes.com)

The Price of Oil Hasn't Budged Since 2001 (If You Pay for Black Gold with Gold) - Maybe Ron Paul was right......... (thedailygreen.com)

We are a technocracy in which most of us don't really understand what's happening around us. We stagger through a world of technological and medical miracles. We're zombified by progress. [science] (washingtonpost.com)

"Either John McCain has no idea what's going on or he's the second coming of Baghdad Bob" [politics] (thisisby.us)

The History of Oil and Our Planet [environment] (docstoc.com)

Facing ‘Months Of Criticism,’ Bush Administration Strips Loophole Concealing Abuse Of Overseas Contracts [politics] (thinkprogress.org)

Surprise. Karl Rove, chief neocon William Kristol, Fox News and Hillary Clinton are all saying the same thing. [politics] (thinkprogress.org)

Alberto "Scumbag" Gonzales can't find a job. Wow, sometimes people DO get what they deserve [politics] (nytimes.com)

The CIA's stats on each country's account balance. See America? No no, scroll down more... [politics] (cia.gov)

Safe nuclear dump discovered - Geologists have discovered a new mineral which absorbs radiation from liquid nuclear waste [science] (russiatoday.ru)

PMS Worries: 8 Tips to Beat Those Days of the Month [science] (beauty-makeup-essentials.com)

What is Adulthood? 20 Defining Characteristics of a True Adult (marcandangel.com)

Top 10: Controversial pieces of evidence for extraterrestrial life [science] (space.newscientist.com)

7 Productive Pieces of Unconventional Wisdom (marcandangel.com)

Making the World A Billion Times Better [science] (washingtonpost.com)

10 Things We All Must Figure Out for Ourselves [offbeat] (marcandangel.com)

Kudzu: It grows a foot a day, it's a potential biofuel source, the entire plant is edible, and it has numerous medicinal and industrial uses. So why is no one doing anything about it? [science] (cbc.ca)

The 10 Most Expensive Cities to Rent 2 Bedroom Apartments (homeguide123.com)

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