Hello, Check out how badass Helen Thompson is- then send her some flowers!
Helen Thomas Is A Fucking Badass [politics] (crooksandliars.com)
ChipIn for Flowers for Helen Thomas [politics] (reddit.com)
"I am asking you to believe..." [pic] [pics] (flickr.com)
Obama needs only 43 more unpledged superdelegates to clinch the nomination [politics] (dailykos.com)
Armenian Genocide - 93 Years Ago Today [worldnews] (worldivided.com)
You know what my favorite thing in the world is? [Pic] [pics] (ninjapants.org)
The White House fuel economy proposal looked promising. Then experts took a close look at page 417 and got very angry. (sfgate.com)
Nalgene Drops Bisphenol Likes Its Hot [environment] (treehugger.com)
Stephen Colbert needs your help! He's #4 on Time's 100 most influential people list ... losing to Rain (who?) [entertainment] (time.com)
Since 2000 oil has increased 74% in Euros but 237% in US dollars … how is that for a collapsing currency? [business] (chycho.com)
Monsanto Whistleblower says Genetically Engineered crops may cause disease. [science] (globalresearch.ca)
On the endangered species list 70,000 years ago? ... Gulp, us. [science] (news.yahoo.com)
Bionic Eye To Restore Sight For Blind People [science] (dodevice.com)
Why New York City's Iconic Pizza Is So Tough to Replicate [offbeat] (wired.com)
Do wind turbines really kill a lot of birds? [environment] (treehugger.com)
Ionic air purifiers' dirty little secret: They don't get rid of dust The devices really don't improve air quality, and they can release ozone. [science] (latimes.com)
China Stops Exporting Rice; Weak Dollar Blamed. [business] (wcbstv.com)
Children's Book About Cannabis: "It's Just a Plant" [PICS] [pics] (justaplant.com)
Since the algae are essentially eating the coal emissions, there would be no need to capture and store the CO2. [environment] (money.cnn.com)
Life Expectancies Dropping, Wages Falling, Food Rationing Reported -- What the Hell is Going on? [politics] (alternet.org)
Astrologers fail to predict proof they are wrong [science] (telegraph.co.uk)
A newly created microbe produces cellulose that can be turned into ethanol and other biofuels [environment] (sciencedaily.com)
Denmark Generates Too Much Wind Power [environment] (got2begreen.com)
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