Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday took Forever!

Hello, and thank god were at the weekends edge. Spring is breaking and I'm goin' outside!

40% Rise in Price of Food has lead to Protests in 34 Nations and 40 Nations Now Ban Certain Exports. The Global Food Crisis is Here. [worldnews] (

Does THIS Explain the Rice Shortage? "The Chinese ... stopped exporting [rice to America] when the American dollar got too weak for them to make a profit." [worldnews] (

"Experts fear the cost of bread could soon follow the path of rice, the price of which has triggered riots in some countries and prompted countries to cut off exports." [business] (

Imagine if the media were forced to drop its fascistic fetishes with flag pins and religions and instead ask John McCain if he would torture as president [politics] (

Jon Stewart on Hillary's Declining Respect for The Voters [politics] (

Flowers for Helen wiki (

Iraqis Represent 17% to 21% of the World’s Refugees, and the People Responsible are Oblivious [worldnews] (

Bush admin needs to be reminded that Iraq is not a war -- it's a country. [politics] (

McCain has changed for the worse since 2000, because defending a lie leads to bigger lies. McCain, like Bush, is now resorting to fiction: We're in Iraq "to fight al Qaeda." [politics] (

For countless Americans, this past winter brought with it something distressing - revelations that the American dream, neatly packaged and sold for decades, has become their worst possible nightmare. [politics] (

US wardrums: Iranians are killing Americans inside Iraq; acuses Syria of Nuclear Weapons; Iraq`s Mahdi may restart full-scale fight AND Petraeus promotion an ominous sign of possible war... [worldnews] (

Understanding the Taliban [worldnews] (

We've declared that "the era of U.S.-funded major infrastructure projects is over," yet daily life in Iraq is worse than it was before the invasion. Did that era of major rebuilding ever start? [worldnews] (

U.S. contracted ship fires toward Iranian boat [worldnews] (

30 electric cars companies ready to take over the road [technology] (

Good-Bye, Cheap Oil. So Long, Suburbia? [business] (

The Act to Remove Federal Penalties for the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults (

India rejects US advice on Iran [worldnews] (

Exotic Quantum State Of Matter Discovered [science] (

My Parents Managed to Raise Two Kids on One Salary. That's Impossible Today -- What Happened? (

Ontario gets 407 Megawatts of solar power contracts, originally expected 88 Megawatts [environment] (

The Return of MKULTRA? Evidence Mounts that Drugs Were Used on CIA “Ghost Detainees” During Coercive Interrogations [worldnews] (

The Making of 5 Modern Marvels of Engineering: Construction Truths Behind Contemporary Wonders [offbeat] (

Stronger Than Steel: Bamboo may be the world's greenest raw material. Architects and bicycle designers are catching on [environment] (

Facebook - "It came from the CIA" [worldnews] (

Scientists use T-Rex protien from fossilized T-Rex bone to prove link to birds [science] (

Human line 'nearly split in two' -- Ancient humans started down the path of evolving into two separate species before merging back into a single population, a genetic study suggests. [science] (

Money, sooner: Tax rebates are being sent out early [happy] (

The Earth Clock - its really scary - but totally fascinating [environment] (

Water Footprints Calculator . How much water went into producing that product.? Far, far more than you'd think [environment] (

7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High [offbeat] (

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