Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday's a road

When the road gets too long and you run all out of sun, and the pain gets too much to bear. Turn around, turn around. Turn around, and I'll be there, like a road. Like a Road leading home when you wake up and start to cry and you need some place to go and you want some company that really cares, turn around... When the grey clouds pass you by and the road you travel on doesn't seem to be goin' anywhere, turn around...

Oil From A Stone - The U.S. may have an oil reserve 3 times larger than Saudi Arabia's (

Little known fact: Hillary Clinton served on the Wal-Mart board of directors from 1986 to 1992. [politics] (

Is U.S. stuck in Internet's slow lane? (

Never Get Busted Again - retired narcotics officer tells public how to avoid getting arrested for holding (

Paranoid Much? $43.5 Billion Spying Budget for Year, Not Including Military [politics] (

Attacking Iran for Israel? [politics] (

During the Democrat debates, Kucinich declares that he has seen a UFO and Bill Richardson says the government didn't come clean on Roswell. [politics] (

500-million-year old jellyfish fossil found in Utah. [science] (

Israel has capability to take out every major city in Europe. refuses to sign Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons & Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; no inspections of nuke facilities [politics] (

The Web is Agreement (huge map) [programming] (

Kucinich: Is it time to question Bush's mental health? [politics] (

Monks marching again in Burma. (

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