Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday is incandescent

You are a book for me to read, line after line. I read on and on. You are a film for me to see, a string of frames that just goes on and on and on. And of all the places that I've been, name after name, it just goes on and on. You are a song for me to sing, a string of verses that goes on and on and on.

The first thing politicians do to hide their mismanagement is inflate the currency; the second thing they do is go to war. Our currency has been inflated and we are at war. [politics] (lewrockwell.com)

Bush Insiders Describe How This Administration Starts Wars [politics] (huffingtonpost.com)

Iran had basically surrendered to us in 2003 -- and we refused their offer of turning in all of their terrorist allies and completely stopping their nuclear program. [politics] (smirkingchimp.com)

Op-ed piece comparing the French Revolution to the "war on terror" also makes note of origination of the term "terrorist" [politics] (nytimes.com)

US using torture techniques pioneered by Nazi's. Godwin be damned. (villagevoice.com)

Our Lovely, Transparent State Department is Busted Again Trying to Protect Poor, Innocent Blackwater. [politics] (alternet.org)

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Will Now Tell All - and Faces Charges if Necessary - to Any Major Television Network That Will Let Her (bradblog.com)

Iran Says Documents Show U.S. is Backing Terrorists [politics] (reuters.com)

US said Waterboarding was a War Crime in 1947 (pensitoreview.com)

BBC: Million back comic for president [politics] (news.bbc.co.uk)

Five Lies you probably believe as fact if you get your news from the US mainstream media (iainlevison.com)

Obama, Paul, Kucinich, and Gravel would let you Google the government. Clinton, Edwards, McCain, Thompson and Giuliani would not. [politics] (foxnews.com)

US quietly backing Egyptian nuclear program as White House slams Iran [politics] (rawstory.com)

Giant underwater lab project started [science] (canada.com)

How Animal Psychology Can Save Your Marriage And Make Your Change How Other People Act [science] (nytimes.com)

An Excellent Post on the Limitations of Science [science] (science.slashdot.org)

Source of ‘optimism’ found in the brain [science] (newscientist.com)

There was a time when food allergies were of little concern to the medical community. Today about 11 million Americans suffer from them. [science] (newsweek.com)

Why They Called It the Manhattan Project [science] (nytimes.com)

Geometric Syrian Artifacts Wow Scientists [science] (dsc.discovery.com)

Why the brain believes supernatural phenomena exist [science] (newsweek.com)

This week, 235 scientific and medical journals organized to address poverty and human developement, in simultaneously-published issues. 'Nature' rises to the occasion (all articles are free!) [science] (nature.com)

Smarty Plants: Inside the World's Only Plant-Intelligence Lab [science] (wired.com)

Cancer breakthrough as ultraviolet light is used to destroy tumours [science] (thisislondon.co.uk)

Will someone living today still be alive in 2150? At stake is not only a wager but also the answer to fundamental questions about the biology of aging and the ability we have to stretch our life span. [science] (bestlifeonline.com)

The mice stand there for 15 minutes a day, five days a week. Afterward, they have 27 percent less fat than mice that did not stand on the platform [science] (nytimes.com)

Forget the conventional wisdom. U.S. schools are turning out more capable science and engineering grads than the job market can support [science] (businessweek.com)

Confirmed: Bush suppressing CDC science [science] (badastronomy.com)

The Aspartame Scandal: This Artificial Sweetener is the Thalidomide of the 90's [science] (opednews.com)

1 comment:

li ann said...

hey, just a passerby- may i know where you got the title of your post from? i really like it. thanks (: