The Rich Are Staging a Coup This Morning... A letter from Michael Moore. (michaelmoore.com)
Two McCain Videos That Can Lose Him the Election (dmiessler.com)
John McCain is forced to retract Sarah Palin's statements on foreign policy (Pakistan) (politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com)
Obama Way Ahead In Today's Tracking Polls (tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com)
Krugman: "Barack Obama seems well informed and sensible about matters economic and financial. John McCain, on the other hand, scares me." (nytimes.com)
200 former U.S. diplomats endorse Obama (upi.com)
CNN discovered that some of the funniest gobbledygook out of Tina Fey's mouth during her portrayal of Sarah Palin last night on SNL was an actual Sarah Palin quote (americablog.com)
Rep. Baldwin (D-WI) Introduces Bill to Undo and Prosecute Bush-Cheney Crimes (impeachforpeace.org)
|world news|
Pirates learn the hard way : "That ship is unusual..It is not carrying a normal shipment." (thetimes.co.za)
US destroyer nears Somali pirates (news.bbc.co.uk)
"We are concerned about the permanent destruction of [oil] demand: Those who buy hybrid vehicles are not going back to SUVs." -senior Saudi Arabian official (businessweek.com)
Japan makes cars. Saudi Arabia pumps oil. China supplies socks and flat-screen TVs. What's America's No.1 export? Debt (time.com)
Chinese officials called it a separatist attack; new photos show Chinese officers attacking other Chinese officers.. with machetes (nytimes.com)
US: Russia cannot stop NATO expansion (turkishpress.com)
Venezuela and China Sign a New Oil Deal (redgreenandblue.org)
What's In The Bailout Deal (forbes.com)Bailout does NOT pass vote. 206 Yea - 227 Nay. Dow tumbles. (msnbc.msn.com)
U.S. economy meltdown happening now! [(dailykos.com)
Dr. Paul’s House floor remarks on the bailout: "Dumping bad debt on the innocent taxpayers is an act of theft and is wrong." (campaignforliberty.com)
Mussolini-Style Corporatism in Action: Treasury Conference Call on Bailout Bill to Analysts (Updated) (nakedcapitalism.com)
Study Ties Bankruptcy to Medical Bills (nytimes.com)
Rudy Giuliani's 'crass opportunism' reflects on McCain (nydailynews.com)
Nouriel Roubini: The bailout is "a total rip-off that will mostly benefit... the common and preferred shareholders and even the unsecured creditors of the banks" (guardian.co.uk)
Wachovia is gone, trading down about 90%. Nice call Cramer. (myprops.org)
Big Financiers Start Lobbying for Wider Aid (nytimes.com)
The Element That Could Change the World (discovermagazine.com)BBC Investigated for not repeating what Shell and Exxon wants them to say on climate change. (dailymail.co.uk)
Breaking: Ecuador is the 1st Nation in the World to Give Nature Rights Via its Constitution (ecoworldly.com)
Methane Begins to Erupt From Arctic Permafrost (celsias.com)
SpaceX did it -- their Falcon 1 rocket made it to space! (blog.wired.com)NASA's dirty secret: Moon dust (sciencecodex.com)
Vibrating a pile of salt with sound causes it to form itself into symmetrical series of shapes. I wish I knew more about the physics of sound waves. Cool stuff. (ovablastic.blogspot.com)
FACE PUNCH! (Wait for it...) (edge.famecast.com)World of Goo: This is a game that constantly reinvents itself, reimagining the possibilities, evolving and throwing out surprise after surprise. (rockpapershotgun.com)
Google's 10th birthday timeline. (google.com)
Internet Porn & You (current.com)
Monkey Smoking (fr.youtube.com)
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