Are you bored yet?
After Fighting Obama to the Death for the Nomination, Clinton Plans to Force Dems to Make her VP if She Loses [politics] (
Why she is still in : Critics attribute her doggedness to the consuming ambition, thirst for power and streak of narcissism she shares with her husband [politics] (
So, put the two together on the ticket and you cruise to victory? Not so fast. An Obama/Clinton ticket has the potential to be a disaster. Here’s why: [politics] (
Once-secret memos question Clinton's honesty - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times [politics] (
McCain’s Vote in 2000 Is Revived in a Ruckus [politics] (
Why Obama Beat Clinton -- and Why He'll Beat McCain, Too [politics] ( to US Code Title §18,371 -- President Bush should be in prison. [politics] (
Bush signs S.1858 ; American citizens are now officially exposed to genetic testing, surveillance and research without their knowledge or consent [PDF] [worldnews] (
The Clintons should be ashamed of themselves for deliberately trying to wreck the presidential prospects of their party’s likely nominee. [politics] (
Obama supports ending DEA raids on Medical Marijuana clubs; Clinton won't promise same. [politics] (
U.S. deploys more than 43,000 unfit for combat (
Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain [politics] (
Some plastic has been found to cause obesity, early puberty, prostate and breast cancers as well as neural and behavioural effects in fetuses, infants and children. [science] (
Indian tech companies give up on the US [business] (
It Isn't Morning in America Anymore -- It's Dusk on Planet Earth [environment] (
Finally the networks will HAVE to cover it: Harry Reid is planning on holding hearings on the Military Analyst story [politics] (
Bill O’Reilly Goes Nuts! Shocking Video.... well we all knew he had it in him! [politics] (
Corn prices pushing food manufactures to consider replacing High fructose Corn Syrup with Sugar. [business] (
McCain doesn't merely "have a connection to the Keating 5": HE IS ONE OF THE FIVE, PEOPLE! [politics] (
Food waste on 'staggering' scale. [environment] (
Farming has the potential to go through the greatest upheaval since the Green Revolution, bringing harvests that are more healthful, sustainable and flavorful. [science] (
Young middle-class professionals across Europe face being forever poorer than their parents [worldnews] (
Finally, I understand how Chromosones, RNA and DNA fit together... [science] (
Now we know why those Myanmar generals didn't want the UN to distribute aid [worldnews] (
How the world's oceans are running out of fish [science] (
"A government that can without trial destroy you by simply putting on a list your name is a tyranny. A government that feels free to murder people in any country it chooses is a tyranny." [politics] (
Your brain has a mind of its own – and it’s not even always yours. [science] (
Oh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. eBay is trying to acquire Craigslist. [technology] (
Did You Know... More Than 25% of US Congress Members Had A Hand In Iraq War's "Profits"? [business] (
Monsanto is trying to patent the pig [business] (
McCain's pastor problems resurface with Rev. Hagee [politics] (
To become the world's next superpower, China is polluting it's rivers so irreversibly that the World Bank warns of "catastrophic consequences for future generations." [environment] (
House passes hr 4279 "Pro-IP Act" Gives government right to seize your computer if suspected of illegal downloading (
How Rising Oil Prices Are Obliterating America's Superpower Status - Like the USSR before, it too will be seen by increasing numbers of savvy observers as an ex-superpower-in-the-making. [politics] (
Bruce Lee’s Top 7 Fundamentals for Getting Your Life in Shape (
The 'creaking' US airline industry: "Like much of America these days, the airline industry feels tired, worn down, and old." [business] (
10 Health Breakthroughs Coming Soon To Your Body (
Is Mars Between Ice Ages? (
5 Myths About Being 'Pro-Israel' [politics] (
Cell Phone Recycling - “The Secret Life of Cell Phones” [science] (
How Green Are Biofuels? Comparison Chart [PIC] [environment] (
"Electricity" Misconceptions Spread By Textbooks [science] (
A cursory examination of American business suggests that its major product is wasted energy. [business] (
Cool site allows you to create your own fonts online. [technology] (
wow, click on a body part and find all exercise videos with instructions! (
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance (Full Movie) [science] (
The 6 Most Frequently Quoted Bullsh*t Statistics (
Coolest Graffiti Ever! [PIC] (
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