Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Drags

Hello. Welcome to another dragging monday. Here are your well-deserved links:

US armed forced - freedom world tour (Pic) [] (

Dick Morris To Clinton: It's Over [politics] (

Hillary's ad: debate footage doctored to make Obama blacker [politics] (

"[This ] veto will be one of the most shameful acts of his presidency"--Bush Vetoes Bill That Would Ban CIA From Use of Waterboarding [politics] (

It's Almost Like Hillary's Shooting For a VP Spot With McCain... [politics] (

For one-sixth of an Iraq war, you could have fixed Social Security for the next 50 to 75 years.” [politics] (

NPR seems to think Obama won Texas afterall, why does noone else care? [politics] (

The FISA fight isn't about security; warrants are still valid. Or about telecom cooperation; they still cooperate. It's about Bush's spying; with retroactive immunity, we'll never know what happened. [politics] (

Monsanto doesn't want consumers to know the truth about the milk they're drinking. The corporation's monopoly is at stake. [] (

Turning Glare Into Watts: Solar Thermal Plants On The Rise (

When North Americans try to gauge someone's feelings, they look at his or her facial expressions. When the Japanese do it, they look at the people around the individual. (

Warren Buffet warned 6 yrs ago that the arcane financial instruments invented by Wall Street in the last decade could cause a collapse in the global banking system - now it's happening [] (

Confirmed: Obama Has 50 Superdelegates Ready To Endorse ... Obama's Missouri co-chairman: "Race is Over" [politics] (

Grand Canyon flooded [] (

US Army enlistment rates (pic) [politics] (

Real Life Vs Politics [Comic] [politics] (

Don't let them BAN the "growth hormone free" label. We have a right to know! (

#1 recipient of Wal-Mart campaign contributions? Hillary Clinton. [politics] (

Crushed by Hand, Cut into Little Pieces, then Scattered in Different Trash Cans: Tape of Interviews of Air Traffic Controllers On-Duty on 9/11 [] (

Russian election was rigged [politics] (

35 Slick Gmail Hacks, Tips & Tricks [] (

antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans [] (

The world's largest natural mirror [Pics] [] (

A black hole has been made in the laboratory. "Completely harmless" say its creators! (

Solar Thermal Power Could Supply Over 90 percent Of US Grid Plus Auto Fleet (

Finland vs Russia [pic] [pics] (

Men vs Women [] (

Slow Sex: Moving Toward Informed Pleasure [sex] (

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