Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday is a rebate?

Hello and welcome. So many new and interesting topics! I'm just going to jump right in.

"We'll probably end up borrowing this $150 billion from the Chinese, and when we get those rebate checks, most people are going to go out and buy stuff that's been imported from China," [politics] (boston.com)

Sending checks to people in good financial shape does little or nothing to increase overall spending. [politics] (nytimes.com)

REAL ID killed in 17 states. 33 more to go- join us! [politics] (no2realid.org)

Neuroscience Is Confirming What We All Suspect: Multitasking Is Dumbing Us Down And Driving Us Crazy. (theatlantic.com)

Kucinich drops out of race. (blog.cleveland.com)

Dennis Kucinich now faces a fight to keep his job in Congress. [politics] (bostonherald.com)

Corporate media strategy: silence Kucinich, then remove him from office [politics] (afterdowningstreet.org)

Dennis Kucinich campaign was destroyed by the corporate media for trying to represent the public interest [politics] (onlinejournal.com)

Chavez has urged his Latin American allies on Saturday to begin withdrawing billions of dollars in international reserves from U.S. banks, warning of a looming U.S. economic crisis. (biz.yahoo.com)

In 1954 the CIA overthrew the *democratically* elected president of Gautemala, installing a military dictator - all to ensure a US company reaped large profits selling... bananas. [politics] (dontfearthetruth.com)

9/11/1990: George Bush Sr. gives a speech justifying war with Iraq and plans for a "new world order." 9/11/1990 changed everything for Iraq, then 9/11/2001 changed everything again. [politics] (en.wikisource.org)

BBC DOCUMENTARY: al-Qaeda "Organization" is a fiction with no basis in reality. (icomment.org)

We Screwed Up the Environment So Much We Have to Rename Our Geological Era [science] (environmentalgraffiti.com)

Earth Entering New Geologic Epoch? [science] (dsc.discovery.com)

Numbers are Essential: The other maths that won WW2 [science] (familyheritage.ca)

There's something fishy about evolution... [science] (richarddawkins.net)

We are ruled by monsters. [politics] (scienceblogs.com)

9/11/1973: With the help of the CIA, a military dictatorship overthrew the government of Chile. 9/11 changed everything in Chile. [politics] (en.wikipedia.org)

In 1953 the CIA overthrew the *democratically* elected president of Iran, installing the Shah - all to ensure a British company reaped large profits selling... oil. (en.wikipedia.org)

Camera In A Pill Offers Cheaper, Easier Window On Your Insides [science] (sciencedaily.com)

First sail added to a ocean freighter is cutting fuel use 10-15% [science] (ecogeek.org)

US the Biggest Producer of Terror' [politics] (afterdowningstreet.org)

Have you been noticing the cost of groceries going up? You can thank government subsidized ethanol. [politics] (csmonitor.com)

A Violent History of Time [science] (physorg.com)

US quietly demands Iraq give defense contractors, US military immunity from prosecution [politics] (rawstory.com)

Wolfowitz now in charge of US Arms Control and Disarmament Panel. Yep, you read it right. (breitbart.com)

Incredible slashdot comment from an ex-Scientologist (yro.slashdot.org)

Wanna See What Gold Atoms Look Like? (pics) [science] (blog.thesietch.org)

Top 10 bizarre things in space [science] (listverse.com)

The unsung virtues of semen. [science] (members.fortunecity.com)

Jan. 29, 1998: A Warning on Nicotine, Straight From the Horse's Mouth [science] (wired.com)

Why is yawning contagious? [science] (world-science.net)

Reddit is eating your telomeres. [science] (washingtonpost.com)

Risks of 6 Commonly Used Drugs [Chart] [science] (medicalcannabis.com)

Study shows marijuana increases brain cell growth [science] (peety-passion.com)

Big Pharma Has Some New Customers: How Teenage Rebellion Has Become a Mental Illness [politics] (alternet.org)

Psychologists and torture: "Why I'm Leaving the American Psychological Association" [politics] (dailykos.com)

I wore my new ARREST BUSH t-shirt tonight to my local Outback restaurant [politics] (populistamerica.com)

What is svchost.exe in Windows Task Manager - And Why Is It Running? (howtogeek.com)

Bad Ass Video of Freerunners Showing Their Skills (nothingtoxic.com)

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