When McCain loses, he will have contributed to his own downfall by failing to live up to his personal standard of honor (nytimes.com)
Is McCain’s homeowner bailout proposal new? Nope. Biden proposed it in the VP debate. (donklephant.com)
McCain calls Obama 'that one' in debate (huffingtonpost.com)
Worse Than "That One": What made McCain assume that a young black questioner wouldn't know (esp. after weeks of media coverage) about Fannie and Freddie? (huffingtonpost.com)
WSJ: McCain will slash Medicaid/Medicare benefits by $1.3 trillion. (donklephant.com)
McCain Fled The Debate Within Minutes While Obama Stayed Around To Talk To Voters And Answer More Questions, That's Class For You. (debatetherace08.com)
Obama won, hands down (americablog.com)
Obama: Health Care Should Be A Right (polfeeds.com)
Class act John McCain refuses to shake Obama's hand. (ca.youtube.com)
Secret Service taking "Kill Him" remark very seriously, considers it a threat on the life of a Presidential Candidate. Stay classy, Palin! (dailykos.com)
John McCain wasn't just TIED to the Keating Five, he was ONE of the Keating Five (talkingpointsmemo.com)
Palin palling around with secessionists: Does Sarah secretly hate America? (americablog.com)
What I Learned At The Sarah Palin Rally Before They Threw Me Out! "Sarah Palin is George W. Bush in a dress." (huffingtonpost.com)
Anne Robinson (The Weakest Link), about Sarah Palin: "It's depressing that she exists, never mind that she winks" (guardian.co.uk)
"Palin doesn't actually believe the rehearsed smears she's telling about Obama, but she does believe that she is morally right in lying. " (huffingtonpost.com)
Palin's mob turned on a black journalist, yelled "racial epithets" while telling him to "sit down, boy." (americablog.com)
With shouts of "Kill Him" and "Terrorist", Is Palin sowing the seeds of hatred that will lead to the possible assassination of Obama if he gets elected? (washingtonpost.com)
"I'm Sarah Palin and I Support the 2008 Alaska Independence Party"(youtube.com)
Here's a letter Obama wrote to Bernake and Paulson in March 2007. Isn't it great to have a candidate who actually understands economics? (andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com)
I’m tired of him having to defend his name while these assholes are trying to dismantle the Republic. Barack Hussein Obama. 44th President of the USA. Get used to it. (dailykos.com)