Hello, and welcome. The full moon is just about upon us, and I can feel the strange mood it brings to the workplace. Today has been peachy, and will continue to do so. I hope you're all keeping it real, because I sure am.
For the price of 1 month of the Iraq war, we could insure over 7 million children. Yet for some reason, Bush wants to veto this legislation. (theseminal.com)
The US army's new secret weapon - non linkjacked (w/PIC) (dailymail.co.uk)
In the twentieth century the centralized political state killed more than 170 million people (lewrockwell.com)
The attack on MoveOn and its historic precedents: the Nazis and Stalin made multiple assaults on democracy by pushing for laws and that expanded penalties for opponents' speaking out against certain subjects (huffingtonpost.com)
Video: Ahmadinejad, The Part That We Didn't See On Mainstream Media (liveleak.com)
One thing the right wing hates in the U.S. is the humanizing of someone they have tried to dehumanize. That's why they have so objected to the Iranian president's visit (huffingtonpost.com)
Ten Things Congress Did Instead of Getting Us The Hell Out of Iraq (opednews.com)
Blackwater may be used in war on drugs, '80% overseas'. (defensenews.com)
Iran's president at Columbia University - a transcript (azstarnet.com)
Noam Chomsky: "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum -- even encourage the more critical and dissident views." (books.google.com)
INSANITY - NY State Legislators threaten to cut Columbia Aid for allowing Iran President to TALK! Who's acting like Nazi Germany now? (nysun.com)
The U.S. will attack Iran before Bush leaves office. The media will once again be the catalyst that steers us towards war. (whitehouser.com)
How Rome lost its republic and became a dictatorship (unenumerated.blogspot.com)
"Ron Paul: Fed Reserve Policies are Creating a Debt Overload and Spurring the Decline of the US as a Global Economic Power" (newsandpolicy.com)
Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran (timesonline.co.uk)
Congress passed the Bill of Rights 218 years ago today. 218 years ago. Don't ever buy the "These are different times" argument to erode your rights. -Maybe it's a good time to remind yourself of what rights you have! (ushistory.org)
You want to talk about non-violent protests getting out of hand? Forget Greenpeace and a boat, what do you have to say about a father of a dead soldier getting jumped because he had the audacity to suggest that death shouldn't have happened? (secondpagemedia.com)
Tens of thousands add their voice to Burma protests. This is what a real peaceful protest can be like. (theage.com.au)
"Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator." (time.com)
URGENT Phone Action: Lieberman Trying to SNEAK Iran War Declaration Through The Senate (usalone.com)
Bush: We Can’t Spend $22 Billion On America Because We Need $200 Billion For Iraq War (thinkprogress.org)
Sooner or later, the American people will realize we don't have the brains or the grit to run a world empire. When our political leaders try, they make fools of themselves. Business and commerce are our forte, and that's what we should stick to. Let somebody else play Caesar. (populistamerica.com)
Kucinich: "If we believe war is inevitable, then war is a self-fulfilling prophecy," (newsandpolicy.com)
Locals scoff at the omissions and alterations of fact in "Jena Six" reporting. (ap.google.com)
'You got rid of one Saddam and you left us with 50' (guardian.co.uk)
Ending Farm Subsidies In The US? The New Zealand Example (pjstar.com)
Why are U.S. kids obese? Consider soda in schools, junk food ads on TV, the fast-food chain around the corner -- and school policies limiting physical activity (news.yahoo.com)
Meteorite that landed in Peru met an underground water supply tainted with arsenic, causing the illness (news.nationalgeographic.com)
Why The Four Day Work Week Would Help America (And Improve Your Life) (groovygreen.com)
Uh oh... Germs taken to space come back stronger (msnbc.msn.com)
What to do when someone tries to DOMINATE you with his handshake (happybrainstorming.com)
Parallel Universes Exist - Study (breitbart.com)
Our Local Universe [IMAGE] (upload.wikimedia.org)
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