Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday and we're moving quite slow

Hello and welcome to the week. Hope you all had a nice weekend, mine was fantastic. Every little bit of me is moving very slowly today, so I'll try not to rip your sore heads off with complete controversy. So here it is, I'm getting straight to the point.

The guy who predicted the fall of the USSR, argues that the disintegration of American hegemony already is in full swing, and he predicts that the Bush American Administration and its neocon theorists "will go down in history as the gravediggers of the American empire." (

Perception Of The World By Americans [PIC] (

Shutting Down Transparent Government, Bush-Style: how the Bush government is now trying to prevent you from being able to use the Freedom of Information Act (

Latest Bin Laden Video Is a Forgery: All References to Current Events Are Made During Video Freeze (

Remember the Freeze Frame Bin Laden Video? U.S. Homeland Security advisor Frances Townsend says "Well, for sure, the intelligence community, having looked at it, believes it is bin Laden. The indications from the contents of the tape are that it was made recently, certainly in the last several months." (

First the people in the towers died. Then the rescue workers. Now first responders are succumbing to a 9/11 illness. The next victims: tens of thousands of ordinary citizens who worked and lived in Lower Manhattan—all of whom were told that the air was safe (

World Trade Center collapse -- UC Berkeley engineer reports results of his 5-year NSF project. Full report to be released Monday in New York City (

By large majorities, Americans distrust Gen. Petreaus’ report and, in general, claims about Progress in Iraq (

In U.S., science is distorted to promote political and corporate agendas (

9/11, Six Years Later: So, how has George W. Bush done? In a word, badly. (

Ron Paul on the Debate: "My opponents called for more war, more torture, more secret prisons, more eavesdropping, more presidential power..." (

RFID linked to cancer; FDA was ran by future CEO while investigating chips safty. (Tommy Thompson, the head of the US government department which approved the chips for use in humans, joined the board of the company that makes them, Verichip, just five months after approval was granted.) (

Microchip implants cause fast-growing, malignant tumors in lab animals: Damning research findings could spell the end of VeriChip (

Out of 173 countries, only four have no paid leave for new mothers -- Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Liberia and the U.S.A. (

GOOGLE has been selling off the top rankings on its search engine results to commercial partners, rather than sorting them by relevance (

Project Censored's Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008 (

"We're Dealing with a Christian Taliban": the proselytising "freedom packages" that Pentagon wanted to send to U.S. troops in Iraq included an apocalyptic computer game in which "soldiers for Christ" battle satanic "Global Community Peacekeepers" (

Like all empires before it, the U.S. will slip from the top of the heap. Let's start getting ready. (

Bush prepares his midnight regulations among them: Making it OK to blow up the appalachian mountains, easier to destroy wetlands, easier to build coal plants in areas with clean air! (

7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable (

"Kucinich: Court ruling against the Patriot Act is a victory for the Constitution" (

German Goverment warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi wherever possible because of the risks it may pose to health (

CIA Secrets: Bush knew Saddam had NO WMDs, intentional lie confirmed. Impeach the bastard, already! (

13 Things That Didn't Make Sense In 2005 (

Brain study shows that conservatives and liberals approach everyday decisions differently (

Neuroscience Study: Smart Brains Have Liberal Bias (

Archaeologists have discovered that Brak, a Syrian city and one of the oldest urban areas in the world, was built in a way that completely defies conventional wisdom about how cities grow. (

5 Thought-Provoking Mathematical Videos (

Even staunch conservatives are becoming alarmed at the Bush Administration's unconstitutional expansion of presidential powers. (

Missouri cop caught on tape "I can make up nine things to arrest you" (

Alex Jones Arrested In New York (

Pyramid of Capitalist System [Pic] (

Unbelievable-- Jessica Lynch's rescue was a staged bit by the US military (

813 more COAL burning plants are planned! Global Warming here we come. (

Timothy Durham, sentenced to 3000 years in prison for rape. 11 Witnesses placed him in a different state at the time of the crime, but they were over-ruled by DNA evidence. But he was innocent... (

Bush: Just so you know (

Giuliani: "For Me Every Day Is An Anniversary Of Sept. 11"- SHAMELESS ASSHOLE (

In the UK if you are arrested you get your DNA sampled, and even if you are cleared the DNA is kept in a database... EU court of Human Rights to decide if this is allowed or not. (

Congress passes student loan reform bill (Grant increases, interest rates lowered). President expected to sign it. (

Feynman: Why modern day textbooks are so awful (

Things I Hate About America (

A Saudi suspected of being the "20th hijacker" in the Sept. 11 attacks has recanted his confession, saying he made false statements after he was beaten, abused and humiliated at Guantanamo (

8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day (Pics) (

11 people chemically burned by Wal-Mart shoes (

[vid] Man takes pictures of Tokyo for 35-years, puts them into 10-second clip (

7 Amazing Holes (Photos) (

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