Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday and not so hung over

Hello, and welcome to the day. There isn't much to say other then Bush has had Lyme's disease, and I think he's going crazy. Also, it isn't the only reason he is ridiculous, ha! Other then that, Google will pay you to snoop on stores, and apparently the Koran is a fascist book in which men are advised to rape women and kill non-believers. What else is new?

Bush’s Doctors Kept Lyme Disease Secret for a Year; Is the Condition Why His Mind is Degenerating?

Doesn't lyme disease make you kinda crazy, like in the way that would make you unfit to be the President of the United States?

Google will pay you $10 per store for walking in and taking pictures, determining store hours, payment methods, etc.

Public hanging is the new trend in Iran - more than 118 executed last month for anti Islamic activities

A Dutch member of parliament has called for the Quran to be banned in the Netherlands, describing it as a "fascist book" which calls on people to kill non-believers and rape women.

Why is Catching a Baseball Taxable Income?

Researchers find: Children self-regulate calorie intake, whether given sweets or veggies. Their weights are unrelated to their diets. Unsatsfied researchers manipulate data & posit bad diets for fat kids anyway.

U.S. Stocks Plunge as French hedge fund goes under due to investments in subprime loans. France, U.K. and Germany property bubbles are poised to burst in tandem with U.S.' leading to Western recession.

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices

feeling more and more unsafe lately? youre not the only one

Girl dies of brain tumour after doctor tells her 'headaches are caused by stress'

(cartoon) How the Acts of Patriots Have Changed....

Fewer Mexicans Are Sending Money Home - (note this is mexico's 2nd largest source of income)

How Bush Gained the Power To Spy on You Without Security Justifications

Oil companies are taking us for fools, says Gore

Is America turning left?

Bush On Torture Report: "Haven't seen it; we don't torture,"

Some Americans actually advocate brutal Nazi tactics.

Pearl Jam Anti-Bush Lyric Censored By AT&T During Live Webcast

"Life" found in inorganic interstellar dust

College Will Kill Your Entrepreneurial Spirit While Simultaneously Turning You into a Worker Bee

Revising Human Evolution

5 Ways to Save Water (That You May Not Already Have Thought of Doing)

On the island of La Gomera, the children speak to each other from miles apart using one of the most unusual languages in the world

Facebook - the CIA conspiracy?

Secret to Overcoming Shyness Revealed ... Tentatively

Ancient human fossils show women much smaller

What Keeps Women Out of Science and Engineering?

Bose suspension enables car to glide over bumps.. and literally jump over an obstacle! (Video)

Watch the annual Perseid meteor shower Aug. 12-13 (no moon makes it even easier to see this year)

26 moves are enough to solve any Rubik's Cube, no matter how scrambled

The 10 Best Foods You Aren't Eating

Will This Laptop Change the World?

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