Monday, June 11, 2007

monday is a new day

Well well, here we are again- It's monday and we've all got those damn blues. Good thing work was slow and I was able to conjure up some juicy interesting tid bits of news:

The Monkeysphere.
How many people can we keep track of until they begin to turn into faceless 'characters'? Our monkeysphere is the bubble in which people we know are kept in, and as our technology advances, we are required to 'know' and communicate with more and more people. Eventually each ones character and personality fade into their position, the garbage man, the fast food worker, the president. By having these faceless qualities it is easier to not care about them, because they lack personal traits. But suppose that garbage man has prostate cancer, and has 3 daughters and athletes foot. He is no longer just the garbage man, he has personal qualities. This fantastic atricle brings this theory into an indepth look on how we can dehumanize so easily.

Our Oceans Are turning into Plastic!!
Every molecule of plastic that we have ever made in the 144 years of plastic's existance is still around today. The halflife of plastics are around 500 years. We are literally poisoning ourselves with the plastics that make our lives easier! Even with recycling- only 3-5% is actually recycled into reusable plastic. There are 5 seperate areas in our oceans, twice the size of Texas, that are basically plastic landfills. This plastic isn't going anywhere, and we need to do soemthing about this!

Here are some more very interesting articles that I haven't gotten a chance to brief as of yet. Please do not disregard, every link is vital in understanding our society as a whole.

Plants Display "Golden Angle" and Fibonacci Sequences

10 Reasons Why It Doesn't Pay To Be 'The Computer Guy'

Our entire socio-economic system is designed to spew out citizens eternally in search of satisfaction

Underwater City Discovered off Japan in 1995 [pics]

The most ominous parallel between America 2007 and the crumbling Roman Empire is the outsourcing of public responsibilities to private contractors

USDA Allows 38 Non-Organic Foods To Be Labeled "Organic"

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